Despite the series of hacking threats, Sony's "The Interview" still pushed its release last Christmas. Although the premiere of the comedy movie is limited, it still rocks the box office as its earnings, reportedly, have already reached more than one million dollars.
"I'd be surprised if this wasn't one of the biggest VOD events ever," said by Jeff Bock, a box office analyst at Exhibitor Relations.
Reuters reports that the "The Interview" took in more than $1 million in a limited Christmas Day release.
The film's storyline made the North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un angry and before the political comedy film was released, there were series of hacking attack that happened to Sony Pictures exposing private files and conversation. Despite the issue, the demands of watching this movie went high.
Aside from theater releases, "The Interview" was also viewed online from only a few chosen websites. According to ABC, the online release got $15 million from its over 2 million online rentals and purchases.
Another film, which also premiered on Christmas was "Unbroken" garnered $31.7 million from the weekend box office . The film is a biopic of Louis Zamperini, a WW2 soldier.
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