Admins To Close Battlefield 4 Servers This Saturday In Protest To Game’s Multiplayer Issues; Community Wants Better Communication Between Admins And DICE, For The Benefit Of Fair Play


The in-game, online community is planning to close the Battlefield 4 servers in protest to DICE this Saturday; the decision is grounded on multiple complaints, mostly rooted on DICE's failure to communicate with server admins. The shutdown will presumably prompt DICE to address Battlefield 4's numerous issues.

The complaint is detailed, but it comes with three major requests.The community wants better in-time communication between game admins and DICE,also for the latter to stop deceiving game admins with hidden patches. There's also a need for a communication pipeline between the two, especially to admins being listened to ( lists the problems admins and gamers have with Battlefield 4 servers, in their own words:

"Admins are unhappy about changes.

Admins use the CTE forums to communicate issues but are being ignored

DICE's politic regarding ranked servers

Hidden patches and usually without warning

Patchnotes arriving too late

No consistency in running servers

Too many restrictions in server presets (e.g. idle timeout, max. vehicle spawn delay, etc.)

Not enough control about amounts of vehicles that spawn or classes/weapons to use

Splitting up the community with premium

Official preset not administered

No admin-only spectator

The fight against cheater (why does every client get all data?)

The site claims the issues create many problems gamers unfair to gamers, some exploited to gain unfair advantage:

Players are unhappy because they die ingame because of rules

Admins have to put too much work into servers

Starting a server without big community behind it takes alot of time because of preset restrictions (=>custom)

Admins feel being forced to use official preset

Cheaters/Cheatcoders can "destroy" servers"

The community hopes the threat to close the Battlefield 4 serverswould at least get DICE's attention, although some are doubtful change will be implemented soon. Battlefield 4's online multiplayer mode is reportedly plagued with problems that compromise fairplay.

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