The Crew Cheats For The PS4, Xbox One, And PC: Codes And Tips For The Golden Plate Challenges, And Wreck Part Locations Here!


We have new cheats from Ubisoft's new open world racing game, The Crew for the PlayStation 4.

Having trouble finding every wreck parts in the Midwest or gaining a new car in the game? Then here are some codes and tips in the game courtesy of Cheat Code Central.

Golden Plate Challenges

To unlock the Golden Plate Challenges, you must login first in the Ubisoft Golden Plates page, and enter one of the following codes.


All wreck part locations in the Midwest

The wreck parts in the Midtown region will appear as blinking icons, if you have explored the areas in the map. Take note that other parts are not marked and are found in unexplored locations. When you get close to one of them, a beeping sound is heard, which will get faster the closer you are to it. The mini-map will display the direction in which the wreck part can be found and after you found all of them return to HQ to unlock a new car, the HuP Rod and the "Scrap Salvager" Trophy. For the locations of the Wreck parts here is the video below.

Big Foot Easter Egg

You must go to the Seattle Station and set a waypoint to the following location in the Northern Cascades to the east. You use any Dirt Spec car to drive to the road east towards the mountains into the Northern Cascades forest. It leads to a dirt road, and then off-road up into forested hills. You will eventually reach a clearing with Bigfoot.

The UFO and Are 51 Easter Egg

You mus travel first to the Mountain States area, and go to the edge of the Mojave Desert just as you enter the Western Shrub-Steppes. A small military base is present in the north and slightly to the west of the Speed Skill 91 challenge. Once your reached it, you can see a large silver UFO inside a fenced-off area.

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