Suicide Squad Movie News: Vixen, Blockbuster, And Multiplex Added In The Movie Rumored As Amanda Waller Will Be Played By Viola Davis Likely!


Good news DC fans as new updates and details for the supervillain action flick, Suicide Squad the movie have been revealed.

We start off with the casting of Amanda Waller in the movie as Nerd conducted an interview with "How I Got Away With Murder " star Viola Davis explaining what she thinks about the character.

“I have not started reading yet. I’ve read up about her but I’m working out my schedule for Suicide Squad… I’m fascinated by her. I’m fascinated by her in this world of superhero-ness because she is not a woman that you would expect. I think that she is a massive contradiction. She’s this big powerful black woman, hard, ready to pick up a gun and shoot anyone at will. I’m fascinated in exploring her psychology, just put it that way. And I’m excited to pick up a gun.”

Davis is starring in a new action thriller film, Blackhat along with "Thor: The Dark World" star Chris Hemsworth as she further teased the possibility on playing Amanda Waller in the movie.

“You know, I’ve done action before but I guess a lot of those scenes were cut in movies. Yeah, this was good research because I certainly had to do a lot of it.”

Davis was among the three would be actresses for the role of the A.R.G.U.S. founder along with Oprah Winfrey and Octavia Spencer. Will just have to wait for Warner Bros. announcement soon.

In other news, three DC characters are rumored to appear in the movie. Screenrant reports that Vixen, Blockbuster, and Multiplex are being considered as additional characters in the movie, albeit the teams potential rivals or antagonist.

Suicide Squad movie will star Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn, Jared Leto as The Joker, Will Smith as Deadshot, Tom Hardy as Rick Flag, Jai Courtney as Captain Boomerang, and Cara Delevinge As The Enchantress. Batman V Superman's Jesse Eisenberg will look to reprise his role as Lex Luthor in the movie.

What do you think of the new updates for the Suicide Squad movie? Sound off in the comments section below.

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