The Elder Scrolls Online Free To Play And Console Release Date Rumors Intensify; FTP Nearing? Retailer Rids Shelves Of TESO Copies; Xbox One Version Out By February?

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New The Elder Scrolls Online free to play and console release date reports are suggesting that an FTP announcement will be made soon.

The speculation arose after news broke out that Australian games retailer EB Games will be discontinuing and removing any existing copies of TESO from their shelves. As PC Gamer reported, "Australian retailer EB Games will remove The Elder Scrolls Online from its bricks and mortar shelves on January 13, a Kotaku AU source claims. If the report is true then it serves as fresh evidence that Bethesda intends to scrap the MMO's monthly subscription fees in favour of a free-to-play model. Both boxed copies of the game, as well as pre-paid subscription cards, will reportedly be discontinued."

The game recently dropped its 6-month subscription leading to more talks about a free to play format in order. Zenimax reportedly cancelled the 6 months option because of their preference for the 1-3 months subscription.

Meanwhile a console release date speculation from Massively looks at Microsoft's listing of the game. According to the site, TESO will be made available on Xbox One on February 24, 2015.

"Sure, it could just be a placeholder date, but it's awfully soon for a placeholder when the store could easily list December. It would also make a certain amount of sense, since the console version was originally slated for last month after its initial delay. So what do you think, readers? Is The Elder Scrolls Online just around the corner for console owners? Or is it just another placeholder date?" The article asked.

Other The Elder Scrolls Online free to play and console release date reports confirm the game's availability on Xbox One and PS4 by 2015.

According to International Business Times, "Developer Zenimax Online Studios has put to rest the rumours on the release of MMORPG game Elder Scrolls Online and has now announced that the game will be released in 2015. It added that the game will be coming on Xbox One and PS4 platforms."

Stay tuned for more The Elder Scrolls Online free to play and console release date news here!

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