Hyrule Warriors Cheats For The Wii U: How To Unlock Bonus Characters, Items, Tunics, And More In The Game!


Good news gaming fans as cheats for the hack and slash video game, Hyrule Warriors have been revealed.

Having trouble unlocking new characters, and items in the game? Well here are some tips in the game that help you gain these items and characters courtesy of Cheat Code Central.

Bonus Characters

Agitha - You must win the battle on Square 7, 4 in Adventure mode (requires Water Bomb item card to be used on the rock).

Darunia - You must finish Death Mountain.

Fi - You must finish Skyloft .

Ganondorf - You must finish the second Valley Of Seers.

Ghirahim - You must win the battle on Square 3, 7 in Adventure mode (requires Candle item card to be used on one of the trees).

Impa - You must finish Hyrule Field.

Lana - You must finish Faron Woods.

Midna - You must finish Twilight Field.

Ruto - You must win the battle on Square 10, 5 in Adventure mode (requires Power Bracelet item card to be used on the rock).

Sheik- You must finish Eldin Caves.

Zant: You must win the battle on Square 3, 3 in Adventure mode (requires Digging Mitts item card to be used on the "X" mark).

Zelda: You must finish Lake Hylia, Palace Of Twilight, and Sealed Grounds.

Bonus Items

Blue Potion - You must beat 7 Skulltula.

Bombs - The chest is located during "The Armies Of Ruin" (Prologue 1).

Boomerang - The chest is located during "The Sorceress Of The Valley" (Prologue 4).

Bow and Arrows - The chest is located during "The Sorceress Of The Woods" (Prologue 3).

Green Potion - You must beat 25 Skulltula.

Hookshot - The chest is located during "Palace Of Twilight" (Twilight Princess 2).

Purple Potion (heals 5 hearts + 50% special bar) - You must beat 2 Skulltula.

Red Potion (heals 5 hearts) - You must create an Empty Bottle Badge in the Baazar.

Yellow Potion - You must beat 50 Skulltula.

Unlockable Tunics

Goron's Tunic - You must collect 100 Gold Skulltulas, and successfully complete all levels at the "Rewards" map.

Zora's Tunic - You must collect all illustration pieces for the first picture, then look at the "Rewards" map.

Hero Mode

You must beat the game in any difficulty to unlock the Hero difficulty.

Second Gold Skultulas

You must beat the game in any difficulty to unlock the second Gold Skultulas.

Max Apothecary level

You must beat 50 Skulltula to unlock a max Apothecary level.

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