Super Bowl Commercials 2015 Include Sizzling Hot Carl's Jr. Ad [Video]! Move Over Paris Hilton & Kate Upton, Charlotte McKinney Is Here!

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Paris Hilton

Carl's Jr. is known for its risqué commercials which featured some of the hottest women today including Paris Hilton and Kate Upton.

In fact, Paris Hilton's ad was banned from TV in New Zealand last year. The latest addition to the fast-food restaurant chain's roster of commercial superstar is bikini model Charlotte McKinney. Carl's Jr. recently released an extended version of the Super Bowl 2015 ad that featured the blonde bombshell and their all natural burger.

Since, the fast-food chain is promoting all natural, then their model also went all natural as she appeared to be nude while fresh veggies and fruits cover her asset. Men stared at her as she walks through the market and one guy even lost control of the water hose.

"I love going all natural." McKinney was heard saying. She added, "It just makes me feel better. Nothing between me and my 100 percent, all-natural, juicy, grass-fed beef." She added.

After saying that, she then takes a huge bite of the fat burger.

According to Chief Excecutive of the RLM PR, Richard Learmer, explained why Carl's Jr. ignored the motif of many brands that go for heartwarming and pro-female imagery.

"This is par for the course for Carl's Jr," Today reported him saying. "I'm sure it will get a big eye-roll from the fans, especially female football fans, a number that has grown astronomically in recent years," he added.

During an interview with FOX411, Charlotte McKinney shared her experience doing the new Carl's Jr. ad. "I'm used to working in a bikini and the crew made me feel comfortable," the 22-year-old model said. Because of her sex appeal, blonde hair and voluptuous body, people often compare her to former Carl's Jr. ad model Kate Upton who was also a part of the previous Super Bowl commercials. So how does she feel about that?

"I wish the comparison would stop. I'm my own person. I think we both have a different style of what we're going to do." She added, "I hope it's Charlotte McKinney and not the next Kate Upton," McKinney said.

Check out Charlotte McKinney in the new Carl's Jr. ad below:

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