‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’ New Trailer Launched At The 2015 Super Bowl! See More Hulk Vs. Hulkbuster Action! Who Will Win The Battle?

Avengers: Age of Ultron
Avengers 2
The Avengers: Age of Ultron
New Trailer
Paul Bettany
Super bowl
Iron man
Tony stark
Jurassic World
50 Shades of Grey

Everyone was tuned it to the 2015 Super Bowl not only for the game, but also for the highly anticipated TV spots including the new trailer of "Avengers: Age of Ultron."

Some epic movie trailers premiered during that night such as "Jurassic World" and "50 Shades of Grey."

However, when it was time for the "Avengers 2" to air, some of the viewers weren't that impressed. HITC correspondent Matt Tilke admitted that the footage didn't blow them away.

"The trailer shown was essentially a cut down version of the previous trailer, offering nothing new to fans," he said.

The correspondent added, "We did get to see a little more of Hulk going up against the HulkBuster but that's about it. We had all hoped for an extended trailer with lots of new stuff but they obviously felt that it wasn't needed."

The "Avengers: Age of Ultron" new trailer turned out to be a disappointment to some die-hard Marvel fans because some are hoping to see new characters unveiled. Until now, we still haven't seen the Vision, which will be played by Paul Bettany.

There were photos of the Vision that leaked online and it included its origin. It says there that Ultron (James Spader) created the Vision to use against his own creator, Dr. Hank Pym. However, he turned his back on his creator and joined the Avengers. The Vision was also the key to the downfall of his master.

Based on the origin, Paul Bettany's character has an important role in the movie that's why some people find it odd that Marvel hasn't introduced him in the trailer yet. We have seen Andy Serkis and two mystery women in the extended trailer, but still no sighting of the Vision.

The highlight of the new trailer was the fight between Hulk and Iron Man's Hulkbuster. Some people are wondering what ignited the conflict and it could be about the creation of Ultron since it was Tony Stark who created him. Watch the new trailer of the "Avengers: Age of Ultron" below courtesy of KinoCheck:

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