Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel Cheat For The PS3 And Xbox 360: Unlock All Shift Codes, Infinite XP, Moonstone, Loot, And Secret Boss Battles In The Game!

Game cheats
Xbox 360

We have new cheats for the New Borderlands game, Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel for the PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360.

Want unlock all of the secrets in the game? Then, here are some tips in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel courtesy of Cheat Code Central.

Infinite XP, Moonstones, and Loot

You must proceed through the main missions until you get the "Let's Build A Robot Army" mission (Level 14). You will be tasked with letting turrets kill 12 Scavs. Follow your waypoint until you get to a closed door, which is where the Scavs come out to be shot by the turrets. When the door opens, start ground slamming in front of the door to kill the enemies before the turrets can kill them. This will cause an infinite number of Scavs to come out of the door. When the turret kills get too high, pause the game, and select "Save and Quit". Once you are back at the main menu, select "Continue", then run back to the door to start farming again. If the turret gets the 12 kills, the mission will proceed, and you will not be able to farm this area any longer. This glitch works best with multiple players so you can have more people killing the Scavs to prevent the turrets from killing them.

After you have completed "The Beginning Of The End" final story mission, you can find Sterwin located in southern area of Vorago Solitude. Accept his mission to be given a special grenade that you are supposed to use to capture a Guardian Wraith alive. Follow Sterwin to the enemy location, and instead of capturing the enemy with the special grenade, kill it, and another Guardian Wraith will appear. Keep killing the Guardian Wraith, and another one will spawn. To easily kill the Guardian Wraith each time, align yourself in front of the spawn area, and shoot it in the head with a good weapon to keep easily killing it. If your character is leveled up high enough and you use a sniper rifle, you can kill it with one shot in the head. Keep killing the enemies until you run out of ammo, then pause the game, and select "Save and Quit". Once you are back at the main menu, select "Continue", and repeat the process. Repeat this as many times as desired to get an unlimited amount of XP, Moonstones, and loot.

Secret Nel Boss

You must first grab two letters that are hidden on the map that will spell "Dick" on the side of the Scavs leader Nel's base. After completing the sign, it will make Nel very angry, and you will have the ability to fight him after killing all of his men. Go to Regolith Range, and climb up the two tallest buildings in the south area of the map. Shoot first the rock in front of one of the buildings to release the air to launch on top of the air duct. Then, proceed up the building by jumping on the air ducts on the back of the building. At the top of the building is the first letter. To get on to the tallest building in this area, you have to use the jump pad to the left of the building. This will launch you on top of a balcony where you can find a small building to the right. Jump onto the small building and onto the air duct, then jump over to a huge screw on the side of the building. From there, jump onto the ramp, and make your way up to find the last letter.

Secret Iwajira Boss

Fast travel to Serenity's Waste. Leave the Janey Spring's building, and continue straight outside. There will be a small cliff on the right shortly after going outside that you can jump up on. Continue to the right towards the large building up the hill. Jump onto the rocks to the left of the large building, then jump onto the left sloped ledge of the building. At the end of the ledge, jump down to the narrow rocky ledge below. Go forward to reach a lava-fall. While on the ledge with the lava-fall below, use your jet to jump across the lava-fall to land on the small platform on the opposite side. Enter the lava cave, and proceed forward to reach a hole in the cave floor that leads to the "Pyroclast Grotto" area, with the secret Iwajira boss inside. He is a Level 30 Kraggon that is very hard to defeat alone unless your character is at least Level 29. Kill him to get a massive amount of loot, including Moonstones. You can also obtain purple weapons and the "Kiwk-Smart Thingy" legendary weapons from him. To farm Iwajira, pause the game, and select "Save and Quit". Once you are back at the main menu, select "Continue", then return to Iwajira and kill him again.

SHiFT codes

Enter one of the following codes under your SHiFT account at Gearbox Software to unlock the corresponding bonus.

Note: Some codes will expire over time or number of redemptions. The Golden Keys are obtained from the SHiFT Code Kiosk in Concordia. You can use a Golden Key to open the chest found in the town square near Springs' shop and Moxxi's bar to get up to four level appropriate weapons or shields each time it is opened. Additionally, we will continue adding new codes, and removing codes that we become aware do not work any longer. The newest codes will appear at the top of the list.

3 Golden Keys: K55J3-JJSFR-9TRC3-ZB5BJ-HHBBK (Expires: Unknown)

3 Golden Keys: CWWT3-99F6X-HBXCT-SJC33-56KS3 (Expires: Unknown)

5 Golden Keys: CCCBB-J3S5C-9X3KJ-STK3B-T3TJT (Expires: Unknown)

5 Golden Keys: W55JJ-KJZCK-S6BCB-Z35T3-9ZFSZ (Expires: Unknown)

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