Final Fantasy X HD Remaster Cheats For The PS3, And PS Vita: Unlock All Bonus Aeons, Airship Locations, And Trophies In The Game!

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We have news cheats for the remastered Final Fantasy classic video game, Final Fantasy X HD Remastered for the PS3, PS Vita.

For those who are new to game, and are having problems unlocking its secrets. Here are some tips and guidelines to help unlock all of FFX secrets courtesy of Cheat Code Central.

All Bonus Aeons

You must successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding Aeon in the game.

Anima: Solve the Destruction Sphere puzzle in all five main Cloisters of Trials, then go to the Baaj Temple.

The Magus Sisters: Unlock all other Aeons, visit Belgemine in Remiem Temple, and defeat all her Aeons (Celestial Mirror required).

Yojimbo: Reach the end of the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth.

Airship bonuses and destinations

After you unlock the airship, enter one of the following passwords when selecting a destination to get locate the corresponding item.

Auron's Muramasa katana: Enter "MURASAME" as a password.

Rikku's Godhand Celestial weapon: Enter "GODHAND" as a password.

Rikku's Victorious armor: Enter "VICTORIOUS" as a password.

You can also enter one of the following coordinates to travel to the corresponding destination:

Baaj Temple: X11, Y57

Besaid Falls: X29, Y73

Mi'ihen Ruins: X33, Y55

Omega Ruins: X69, Y33

Sanubia Sands: X12, Y41

Unlock All game trophies

Completion (Platinum): Obtain all available trophies.

Speaking in Tongues (Bronze): Find 1 Al Bhed Primer.

Teamwork! (Bronze): Win a blitzball match.

The Right Thing (Bronze): Clear the Besaid Cloister of Trials.

A Talent for Acquisition (Bronze): Steal successfully with Rikku 200 times.

All Together (Bronze): All party members come together.

Heartstrings (Bronze): View the "Underwater Date" scene.

Show Off! (Bronze): Win a blitzball tournament.

Striker (Bronze): Learn the Jecht shot.

Chocobo License (Bronze): Pass all chocobo training.

Lightning Dancer (Bronze): Dodge 200 lightning strikes and obtain the reward.

Feel the Pain (Bronze): Obtain Anima.

It's All About the Money (Bronze): Obtain Yojimbo.

Delta Attack! (Bronze): Obtain Magus Sisters.

Theater Enthusiast (Bronze): Buy every sphere at the Luca Theater.

Chocobo Rider (Bronze): Win a race with a catcher chocobo with a total time of 0:0:0.

Power Strike (Bronze): Do 9999 damage or more in a single attack.

Under the Table (Bronze): Spend 100,000 gil or more in bribes.

Messenger from the Past (Bronze): Obtain all Jecht Spheres.

Mega Strike (Silver): Deal 99999 damage with one attack.

Chocobo Master (Silver): Get 5 treasure chests during the Chocobo Race at Remiem Temple and win the race.

Sphere Master (Silver): Complete a Sphere Grid for one character.

Blitzball Master (Silver): Unlock all slot reels.

Learning! (Silver): Learn to use all enemy abilities.

Summon Master (Silver): Obtain all Aeons.

Weapon Master (Silver): Obtain all Celestial Weapons.

Master Linguist (Gold): Find all 26 Al Bhed Primers.

Perfect Sphere Master (Gold): Complete the Sphere Grids for all main characters.

Perseverance (Gold): Defeat Penance.

Overcoming the Nemesis (Gold): Defeat Nemesis.

A Journey's Catalyst (Silver): View "Eternal Calm".

Additionally, there are three secret trophies:

Overcoming the Past (Bronze): Defeat Yunalesca.

The Destination of Hatred (Bronze): Defeat Seymour Omnis.

The Eternal Calm (Gold): Defeat Yu Yevon.

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