Android Lollipop 5.1 Update: Software To Launch On March 2015 Likely As New Features Include OK Google, Silent Mode, WiFi And Bluetooth Toggles, And More!

Release date set
New Features

Good news to all Android users as the release date for the new Android Lollipop 5.1 software has been revealed, along with its new features.

According to International Business Times, HTC Vice President Mo Versi tweeted the release date of the Android Lollipop 5.1 software this coming March.

IBT adds that the Android Lollipop 5.1 will also feature the capacitive buttons light-bug fix for the One M7 GPE. Several rumor claims that since the Android Lollipop 5.1 update will be present in the HTC One M7 GPE, other GPE devices will get the same treatment. Furthermore, with all the minor bug fixes and enhancements present in the new update, it will sure give way to another major software update, the Android Lollipop 5.2.

With the Android Lollipop 5.1 coming this March, Android users are curious on what kind of improvements will be present in the new update.

According to Android Geeks, the new Android update will feature a change in the WiFi and Bluetooth. Users who have already had the update claim that when they press the WiFi or Bluetooth, it toggles a drop-down menu similar to the Mobile Data and this will open instead of the settings menu.

The Fuse Joplin reports that the new update will feature a "Silent Mode" as it was not present in the Android Lollipop 5.0. Users can now use silent mode by pressing the volume rocker down, without any vibrations or sounds.

Another feature present in the update is the fixed OK Google which features a voice search command that lets users talk to the device and orders it to do something. This feature was present in the 5.0 update, but many people complained about it due to software issues and bugs.

Gotta Be Mobile reports that other features present in the 5.1 update includes a new clock animations, new screen pinning and improvements in the quick settings. YouTube username "Android Police" posted several videos on what these new features would look like in the Android Lollipop 5. update.

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