YouTube Adds Built-In Video Trimming Feature And Inline Video Previews


YouTube has added a new feature that lets users control the specific video they are going to upload.

The YouTube Creators posted on their Google Hangouts account on Friday Feb. 28 about the new video trimming feature and the inline video previews saying: "We're proud to introduce a new video-trimming feature and inline video previews for our app."

According to Phone Arena, the video trimming feature is built in the YouTube app and it allows users to decide which image shows at the beginning and the end of the video.

"Based on images showing the trimming in action, users will drag on still frames of a video using 'handles' to start and end the video exactly where the user wants," the site mentioned.

The YouTube new video trimming feature will allow the users to choose the exact frames where the video will officially starts and ends. The user can hold the frame to get a closer look of where the video is being trimmed then they can tap "got it" when the user is done. This feature will give the user the chance to control the trim in any way they want it.

Aside from the YouTube video trimming feature, the tech-giant also adds a new feature that can allow the users to preview their video before pressing the "upload now" button or before uploading the said content. This kind of feature allows the users to check the video they are going to upload and to make necessary changes if they find that the video is not good.

Moreover, Google added that the company is still working on for other features in the future that they wanted to put on YouTube like the Instagram styled filters, licensed music to replace their audio and more.

Meanwhile, the app can be downloaded at Play Store for Android users while, as of this writing, the YouTube new features which are video trimming and inline video previews are not yet sure if it has been added to iOS version of the YouTube.

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