"Barter Empire" was recently updated by Mayhem Games on Steam and they have released the Patch v1.1 changelog.
As was listed on the official Steam store page of "Barter Empire", these are the changes that were done on Patch v1.1.
New features and updates:
New: Adjust the screen resolution up to widescreen 1024X620P
New: Skip intro option (Should fix the looping intro bug for some systems)
New: Seizure warning screen when new game starts
New: Mouse system. Disable the mouse completely in the new options menu (Note: Mouse movement and event clicking have been disabled due to freezing on certain events.)
New: Options menu allows customization of sound levels and more, as well as the ability to disable the mouse.
New: Improved save system allows for up to 99 save slots.
New: Improved shop system
New: Improved Item management system. (Items are organized into sub-categories.)
New: Cursor icon for the menu system.
Bug Fixes:
Fixed a bug that caused the player to get stuck in Raven Skull mansion when leaving the library or kitchen.
Known issues:
There is a bug with the casino game. A solution is still being developed.
When using a larger screen resolution it can cause smaller maps to look weird and some minor screen lag.
When using a larger screen resolution the monsters look weird and float above their original position.