'Dragon Ball Xenoverse' Cheats: Unlock All Characters, Mentors, Missions And More! Detailed Guide On How To Get Them All!

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New "Dragon Ball Xenoverse" cheats have surfaced online and a detailed guide on how to unlock all characters, missions, mentors and a lot more was revealed.

Cheat Code Central unveiled new "Dragon Ball Xenoverse" cheats and guides on how to unlock all characters, missions, mentors and more.

Unlock Bardock and Broly Saga mission

Find all five shards by completing the following tasks. Note: You must first have completed the storyline.

1. Successfully complete Quest 3 in the Demigra Saga.

2. Speak with Recon at Time Square.

3. Defeat Goku in Parallel Quest 14, or defeat Ginyu in Goku's body in Parallel Quest 18.

4. Successfully complete Parallel Quest 2, or defeat Super Saiyan Goku in Parallel Quest 21.

5. Successfully complete Parallel Quest 49.

Then, talk to Trunks to begin the secret Bardock and Broly Saga mission. Successfully complete the Bardock and Broly Saga mission to get the "Close Calls Are More Exciting!" trophy.

Unlock Bonus charactersSuccessfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding character:

Super Saiyan 4 Goku: Successfully complete all Parallel Quests.

Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta, Omega Shenron, and Super 17: Collect all seven Dragon Balls, and choose the eighth wish.

Unlock Bonus mentors

Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding mentor:

Android #18: Successfully complete the Androids Saga (Level 34 required).

Beerus (Bills): Successfully complete Goku's Training (Level 70 required).

Freeza (Frieza): Successfully complete the Frieza Saga and Ginyu's Training (Level 20 required).

Ginyu: Successfully complete the first half of the Freeza Saga (Level 15 required).

Gohan & Videl: Successfully complete the Buu Saga (Level 40 required).

Gotenks: Successfully complete the Buu Saga (Level 40 required).

Kuririn (Krillin): Successfully complete the first half of the Saiyan Saga (Level 5 required).

Mr. Satan (Hercule): Successfully complete the first half of the Androids Saga (Cell Saga) (Level 30 required).

Perfect Cell: Successfully complete the first half of the Androids Saga (Cell Saga) (Level 30 required).

Piccolo: Successfully complete the first half of the Saiyan Saga (Level 5 required).

Son Goku: Successfully complete the Démigra Saga (Level 70 required).

Vegeta: Successfully complete the Saiyan Saga (Level 8 required).

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