GTA 5 Online Heists: Rockstar Reveals New Online Heists Side Missions, Freemode Activities, Heist Awards And More New Updates! When Are They Coming To GTA Online?

Rockstar games

Looks like good news for "GTA 5" gamers as Rockstar has confirmed that the update to "Heists" will be "massive" and it will boast an array of brand new enhancements and features to enhance the overall gameplay.

Here are a few more details about the forthcoming new jobs of "GTA 5." According to Express, Rockstar Games has already revealed that the gamer that puts together the heist job not only has to front all the cash, but also needs to wait untill the end to receive the cut. According to IGN, each job can have up to five side missions, prior to the big heist finale. A new run time of how long it will take to perform the whole mission has been averaged 3 hours with each Heists mission requiring a range of skills such as the ability to cut your way through swathes of enemies on land, before having to take to the skies in the next assignment. Express added that some missions may even include a countdown clock in which it must be completed.

According to an official announcement via Rockstar Newswire, developers brought it to public attention that the GTA 5 Online Heists update includes three new Adversary modes:

Come Out To Play

Siege Mentality

Hasta La Vista

The update also includes addition of new Daily Objective as well as other Free mode activities.

New Adversary Modes

According to Rockstar Newswire, these brand new player vs. player modes bring a range of intense new competitive challenges to "GTA Online." In addition, these adversary modes will unlock as players progress through Heists.

Come Out To Play

A three-person Runner team goes head-to head with a team of Hunters. The Runners are simply trying to make it home while Hunters are out for blood. Runners, although limited to movement by foot, are well-armed; however, the Hunters make use of free-aim shotguns and ride motorbikes or ATVs.

Runners have just one life as opposed to Hunters who have access to unlimited lives. Hunters must stay on their bikes.

Siege Mentality

A four-person team defends their territory against a six-person Attacker team. Although these attackers are armed with only sawed-off shotguns, they get unlimited life. The defenders however fight without any sort of weaponry-limitations in any form, although their numbers are fewer.

Hasta La Vista

Truckers in big rig cabs hunt down a team of Cyclists. In this head-to-head David and Goliath battle between a team of Truckers and Cyclists, the Truckers are totally unarmed and have no weapons other than their own vehicles to run over the Cyclists. The Cyclists need to count on their bikes' acceleration and light weight in order to win the race without getting themselves crushed by the Truckers.

The sole advantage of Cyclists is that even if one Cyclists gets to the final checkpoint, they win. In order words, for the team of Truckers to win, they need to wipe out the entire Cyclist team.

With addition of Daily Objective, "GTA 5 Online Heists" is improved even further.

Daily Objectives gives players a rotating series of challenges to take on for "GTA5" rewards. Considering there will be three new objectives per day, players can stack up challenges over consecutive days in order to earn bonuses of up to $500,000.

In addition, players will also be able to earn cash and RP rewards of new Freemode activities. Players will need to help Lester abate his accomplices to get away with their criminal business by distracting the police. Perhaps phone calls from Lamar or probably phone calls from Ron or Trevor asking for help stealing a plane.

Not only that, Rockstar has also instituted Awards for completion of challenges in style.

Heists will also include a new in-game Email notification system that will enable players to contact and message any of their "GTA Online" friends irrespective of what session they are in as well as a host of new Awards that yield new items including exclusive t-shirts and car modifications.

Rockstar Newswire confirmed that everything detailed is scheduled to be added to "GTA Online" for consoles, in tandem with Heists on March 10.

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