'Stalker' Season 1 Finale Recap: Ray Kidnaps Beth After Killing Perry in Episode 17; Season 2 Premiere Cancelled Due To Low Ratings?


The season finale of "Stalker" Season 1, Episode 17 "Fun and Games" was intense! Fans are dying to know what happened to Amanda and whether Ray will get to Beth. What about Perry who seems to be having a change of heart? Keep on reading to find out in the recap below.

Fans of the procedural drama were treated to a thrilling "Stalker" finale. Amanda was in the hospital and she can't remember who her attacker is, but Beth has an idea. She then told Amanda about her past. Beth said that she and Ray went out for a short period of time but then she rejected him early on so Ray went for her sister instead. She tried to warn her sister but she didn't listen, and to make matters worse, Beth's family approved of Ray. Their house got burnt and Ray rescued all of them and she knows that Ray intentionally burned their house down to kill her family and not play the hero.

Meanwhile, Perry's family sent a private investigator to find out where he is. They got the hotel and the private investigator was able to talk to Perry who admitted that he got carried away with the whole Beth thing. Too late, though because Ray came in and killed the investigator and knocked Perry out. He tied him up in the car and they hit the road and he abducted Tracy as well, Beth's best friend. Perry an Tracy were both tied up in the trunk of the car.

Beth got a temporary replacement when she got flowers from Ray, FBI specialist Vicky Gregg took over the case and had Beth sent hom and guarded along with Ben and Janice.

Ray went to a junkyard where he and Beth went to on their first date and apparently got lost there, Beth told the cops about this and the cops went after Ray. It was too late because when Perry woke up he found Tracy and helped her escape but Ray got to them then Ray killed Perry and slid him into the trunk and left Tracy there, alive. It turns out that this was all part of Ray's plan and he knew that this was coming. When he was finally able to shake off the cops he went directly to Beth's place and Ben answered the door. He shot Ben and went for Beth and put him in the trunk and sped off.

Beth was knocked out and woke up beside Perry's dead body and in the trunk of Ray's car.

Talk about a major cliffhanger! Unfortunately, TV Series Finale previously reported that a season 2 is not yet guaranteed.

When the series debuted last October, it only received a 2.0 rating in the 8-49 demographic with 9.07 million viewers. "Stalker" might not have such an impressive start for a new series but CBS eventually ordered a full season for the show to prove itself.

That's the latest recap of "Stalker" Season 1 Episode 17 "Fun and Games". Tune in for more cast updates, spoilers and recaps of your favorite TV shows and reality series.

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