'Hart of Dixie' Season 4 Recap: Zoe and Wade Give Their Baby Family Heirloom; Lemon and Lavon Have A Surprise Reunion?


In an all new episode of "Hart of Dixie" season 4, episode 8 called "61 Candles," viewers found Zoe looking for an heirloom to pass onto her son. Aside from that, Wanda gave birth and it's Brick's birthday, too! This episode turned out to be an emotional rollercoaster for most of Bluebell residents.Keep on reading for the weekly recap below.

Wanda had her baby and the entire town lined up outside their house to see the baby. It was also surprising for George and Annabeth to make out on the lawn! When Zoe asked Wade to pass the baby to her they all found out that Wade has never held a baby before so Wanda put the baby in his arms and it was such an adorable moment for them.

Since everyone's busy at Tom and Wanda's house, Brick thought that there's a birthday surprise for him. When he received a text saying that there's a town meeting that day, he assumed that his birthday surprise will happen a day early but it turns out that it was really an actual meeting that Lavon arranged to ask for volunteers who can help with Tom's jobs.

Lemon got assigned a shift at Tom's barn but it didn't go well and Lavon was there to witness all of the mishaps she encountered. She grew tired of him picking on her that she professed her love for him in front of the farm volunteers. When Zoe and Wade walked into Lavon's kitchen they were surprised that there were no pastries or even pancakes. Zoe is desperate to give their baby a piece of heirloom but she doesn't have any to give and her only choice is something from Harley but she never knew him. On the other hand, Wade doesn't have a decent heirloom to pass onto their baby as well.

They were surprised when Lavon walked in with pastries and Lemon following behind him in pajamas. Wade and Lavon lectured Lemon and Zoe in developing a civil relationship because the two fought over a cupcake. Zoe and Lemon then swore that they will try their best to be nice to each other. So they agreed to go on a girl date together at Stanley's new mobile spa. However, things didn't go well for the two.

Continuing on to the "Hart of Dixie" season 4, episode 8 recap, Wade tried to fix the Harley situation and he found out that there were some Norman Rockwell prints Harley had in his old office and if he could get his hands on it it would be a great heirloom for their child.

However, Brick was still hoping that someone's going to surprise him but he kept on getting disappointed so he lost it and told everyone that it's his birthday. He also approved of Lemon and Lavon's relationship and told Wade that he sold all of the Norman Rockwell prints.

Tom was exhausted from the newborn baby that he fell asleep while driving and crashed into the mobile spa where Zoe and Lemon were. The two were shocked and embarrassed when they first looked for each other after the crash.

That night, Lavon and Wade delivered an impromptu surprise party for Brick and all's well. Lemon gave Zoe a wooden duck that Harley made for her back then and just like that Zoe finally got the heirloom for her son.

Tune in for more cast updates, recaps and spoilers of "Hart of Dixie" which airs Fridays 8 p.m. on CW.

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