'Evolve' Cheats: Easily Master Every Character And Monster! Detailed Instructions On How To Max Out Every Hunter And Monster In The Game

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"Evolve" cheats surfaced online as detailed instructions on how to master all the hunters and monsters have been revealed.

Cheat Code Central has detailed the instructions on how to get all the hunters and monsters as well their corresponding mastery rewards:

Bonus hunters and monsters

Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding hunter or monster:

Abe: Successfully complete the Tier 1 Character Mastery Requirement for Griffin.

Bucket: Successfully complete the Tier 1 Character Mastery Requirement for Hank.

Cabot: Successfully complete the Tier 1 Character Mastery Requirement for Bucket.

Caira: Successfully complete the Tier 1 Character Mastery Requirement for Lazarus.

Griffin: Successfully complete the Tier 1 Character Mastery Requirement for Maggie.

Hyde: Successfully complete the Tier 1 Character Mastery Requirement for Markov.

Kraken: Successfully complete the Tier 1 Character Mastery Requirement for Goliath.

Lazarus: Successfully complete the Tier 1 Character Mastery Requirement for Val.

Parnell: Successfully complete the Tier 1 Character Mastery Requirement for Hyde.

Wraith: Successfully complete the Tier 1 Character Mastery Requirement for Kraken.

Character Mastery rewards

Successfully complete challenges and objectives to earn experience for your player level. Level 40 is the level cap. Each time you level up, you will earn a perk. Additionally, experience will improve a hunter's non-class specific loadout items and a monster's abilities. You can track your progress at the Character Mastery screen.



Custom Shotgun: First tier, deal 14,000 damage. Second tier, deal 29,000 damage to the monster. Third tier, deal 12,000 headshot damage to the monster.

Stasis Grenades: First tier, slow down the monster a total of 130 times. Second tier, slow down the monster for a total of 800 seconds. Third tier, slow the monster for 3 seconds 160 times.

Tracking Dart Pistol: First tier, dart the monster 15 different times. Second tier, dart the monster for 3,000 seconds. Third tier, dart the monster from a distance of 30 meters 60 times.

Rewards: Badge Foreground, Abe Elite Skin


Guided Missile Launcher: First tier, deal 9,000 damage. Second tier, deal 25,000 damage to the monster. Third tier, have 390 direct hits to the monster.

Sentry Guns: First tier, deal 15,000 damage. Second tier, deal 20,000 damage to the monster. Third tier, have at least 3 sentry guns firing at the same time 30 times.

UAV: First tier, cover 3,000-meters in Hunt or Rescue. Second tier, reveal the monster a total of 30 times. Third tier, reveal the Stage 1 monster 25 times in either Hunt or Rescue.

Rewards: Cabot, Badge Foreground, Bucket Elite Skin


Rail Cannon: First tier, deal 12,000 damage. Second tier, deal 34,000 damage to the monster. Third tier, deal 26,000 headshot damage to the monster.

Damage Amplifier: First tier, amplify 9,000 damage. Second tier, amplify 24,000 damage to the monster. Third tier, amplify 54 damage during a single use 250 times.

Dust Tagging: First tier, reveal 70 creatures. Second tier, reveal the monster 60 times. Third tier, reveal the Stage 1 monster 25 times.

Rewards: Badge Foreground, Cabot Elite Skin


Napalm Grenade Launcher: First tier, deal 3,300 damage. Second tier, deal 4,000 damage to the monster. Third tier, get 170 direct hits on the monster.

Healing Grenade Launcher: First tier, heal 32,000 damage. Second tier, revive 15 teammates. Third tier, heal multiple teammates 900 times.

Acceleration Field: First tier, cover a total of 2,200-meters using the Acceleration Field. Second tier, provide a boost to your teammates 74 times. Third tier, cover 50-meters with teammate in a single match 100 times.

Rewards: Badge Foreground, Caira Elite Skin


Gauss SMG: First tier, deal 10,000 damage. Second tier, deal 14,000 damage to the monster. Third tier, deal 8,000 headshot damage to the monster.

Harpoon Gun: First tier, trap the monster for one second 14 times. Second tier, hold the monster for a total of 115 seconds. Third tier, harpoon the monster in mid-air 80 times.

Sound Spikes: First tier, plant 15 spikes at least 50-meters apart. Second tier, reveal the monster 120 times. Third tier, reveal the Stage 1 monster 20 times in Hunt mode.

Rewards: Abe, Badge Foreground, Griffin Elite Skin


Laser Cutter: First tier, deal 6,000 damage. Second tier, deal 20,000 damage to the monster. Third tier, deal 5,000 headshot damage.

Shield Projector: First tier, shield your teammates from any damage 20 times. Second tier, shield 35,000 damage. Third tier, stop 30 teammates from being incapacitated.

Orbital Barrage: First tier, deal 6,600 damage. Second tier, deal 24,000 damage to the monster. Third tier, damage the monster 30 times from a distance of more than 50-meters.

Rewards: Bucket, Badge Foreground, Hank Elite Skin


Flamethrower: First tier, deal 20,000 damage. Second tier, deal 50,000 damage to the monster. Third tier, deal 50,000 residual burn damage.

Minigun: First tier, deal 4,500 damage. Second tier, deal 15,000 damage to the monster. Third tier, deal 3,000 headshot damage to the monster.

Toxic Grenades: First tier, deal 11,000 damage. Second tier, deal 32,000 damage to the monster. Third tier, deal 100 damage to the monster using a single Toxic Grenade.

Rewards: Parnell, Badge Foreground, Hyde Elite Skin


Silenced Sniper Rifle: First tier, place 200 targets on the monster. Second tier, your teammates must deal 270 damage by hitting your targets on the monster. Third tier, have 150 headshot targets on the monster.

Lazarus Device: First tier, use the device a total of four times. Second tier, use the device on teammates 28 times. Third tier, use the device on 3 teammates 25 times.

Personal Cloak: First tier, cloak revive 7 creatures using the Lazarus Device. Second tier, cloak revive 22 teammates using the Lazarus Device. Third tier, cloak revive 3 teammates in a single match 25 times.

Rewards: Caira, Badge Foreground, Lazarus Elite Skin


Machine Pistol: First tier, deal 8,000 damage. Second tier, deal 21,000 damage to the monster. Third tier, deal 12,000 headshot damage to the monster.

Harpoon Traps: First tier, harpoon the monster 40 times. Second tier, harpoon the monsters 8 times in 14 different matches. Third tier, catch the monster in 2 traps 50 times.

Pet Trapjaw: First tier, follow Daisy for 2,600-meters. Second tier, revive 10 downed teammates with Daisy. Third tier, revive 2 teammates in a single match 30 times.

Rewards: Griffin, Badge Foreground, Maggie Elite Skin


Lightning Gun: First tier, deal 24,000 damage. Second tier, deal 84,000 damage to the monster. Third tier, deal 23,000 chained damage.

Assault Rifle: First tier, deal 4,000 damage. Second tier, deal 18,000 damage to the monster. Third tier, deal 10,000 headshot damage to the monster.

Arc Mines: First tier, deal 8,000 damage. Second tier, deal 50,000 damage to the monster. Third tier, damage the monster with 2 Arc Mines without taking any damage 60 times.

Rewards: Hyde, Badge Foreground, Markov Elite Skin


Combat Shotgun: First tier, deal 19,000 damage. Second tier, deal 75,000 damage to the monster. Third tier, deal 31,000 headshot damage to the monster.

Multifire Rocket Launcher: First tier, deal 32,000 damage. Second tier, deal 64,000 damage to the monster. Third tier, get 900 direct hits to the monster.

Super Soldier: First tier, deal 17,000 damage. Second tier, deal 58,000 damage to the monster. Third tier, deal 20,000 headshot damage to the monster.

Rewards: Badge Foreground, Parnell Elite Skin


Armor-Piercing Sniper Rifle: First tier, place 12 targets on the monster. Second tier, your teammates must deal 12,000 bonus damage to the monster. Third tier, place 30 headshot targets on the monster.

MedGun: First tier, heal 16,000 damage. Second tier, revive 12 downed teammates using the MedGun. Third tier, heal 40 teammates before they are incapacitated.

Tranquilizer Gun: First tier, tranquilize the monster 14 different times. Second tier, tranquilize the monster for 400 seconds. Third tier, tranquilize the monster from 100-meters or 60 times.

Rewards: Lazarus, Badge Foreground, Val Elite Skin



Rock Throw: First stage, deal 12,000 damage. Second stage, damage multiple targets 35 times. Third stage, hit mid-air hunters 150 times.

Leap Smash: First stage, deal 12,000 damage. Second stage, damage multiple targets 50 times. Third stage, hit the hunters from 20-meters 50 times.

Fire Breath: First stage, deal 12,000 damage. Second stage, damage multiple targets 175 times. Third stage, hit mid-air hunters for 80,000 damage.

Charge: First stage, deal 8,000 damage. Second stage, damage multiple targets 50 times. Third stage, hit multiple hunters 100 times.

Rewards: Kraken, Badge Foreground, Goliath Elite Skin


Lightning Strike: First stage, deal 20,000 damage. Second stage, damage multiple targets 50 times. Third stage, deal damage to multiple hunters 80 times.

Banshee Mines: First stage, deal 27,000 damage. Second stage, deal 80,000 damage to the hunters. Third stage, deal damage to multiple hunters 60 times.

Aftershock: First stage, deal 15,000 damage. Second stage, damage multiple targets 40 times. Third stage, deal damage to multiple hunters 60 times.

Vortex: First stage, deal 30,000 damage. Second stage, damage multiple targets 80 times. Third stage, knock back 360 mid-air hunters.

Rewards: Wraith, Badge Foreground, Kraken Elite Skin


Wrap Blast: First stage, deal 30,000 damage. Second stage, damage multiple targets 90 times. Third tier, damage multiple hunters 15 times.

Abduction: First stage, abduct a total of 35 targets. Second stage, abduct 45 mid-air hunters. Third tier, abduct hunters from a team 225 times.

Decoy: First stage, deal 12,500 damage using Decoy. Second stage, deal 32,000 damage to hunters using Decoy. Third tier, stealth pounce 30 times while remaining invisible.

Supernova: First stage, deal 34,500 damage using Supernova. Second stage, deal 125,000 damage to hunters using Supernova. Third tier, deal damage using abilities 70 times while the Supernova is activated.

Rewards: Badge Foreground, Wraith Elite Skin

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