LA Lakers Player Jeremy Lin Wants More Secure Future? 'Linsanity,' Byron Scott At Odds With Team's Play?

LA Lakers
Byron Scott
Jeremy Lin
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Jeremy Lin, who is refusing to talk free agency for now, has been at odds with Los Angels Lakers coach Byron Scott about how Linsanity should be maximized.

Although the Taiwanese point guard has increased his averaged to 15.5 points and 5.63 assists in just under one turnover after the All-Star break. That's a huge jump from the 10.2 points, 4.6 assists and 2.7 turnovers before the break.

Byron Scott told LA Daily News reporter Mark Medina that Linsanity is "more comfortable" and "not thinking so much out there."

But Jeremy Lin wants Linsanity unleashed, and that means more liberty to freestyle.

"That's who I am. That's what allowed me to have success in the past. That's the reason why people are paying me money to play pick-and-roll," he said.

"I'm a player who will take what the defense gives me," Lin said. "Whatever it is, if they're giving me the shot, I'm going to shoot it. If not, I'll try to get someone else a good shot."

Byron Scott, however, is not a fan of the pick-and-roll because it's easy to guard.

"Everybody is stationary and it's easy to guard," Scott explained. "You go to that in a late game situation when you got guys who are rolling pretty good. That's a different story. But to start the game with that is something I didn't like."

Meanwhile, Jeremy Lin said that he's not going to discuss contract renewal with the Los Angeles Lakers until after the season finishes.

"I'm not going to answer any of those free agency questions until after the season. I'll discuss that later," he said.

Although, the Harvard alum has been playing great lately, he's still glued to the bench as Byron Scott prefers to start rookie Jordan Clarkson over Linsanity. But the Los Angeles Lakers point guard is not bitter about it.

"To do it against a great team defense like Memphis, that's hard to do on their floor. The kid has grown up and has a ton of potential. It's impressive," Jeremy Lin told the LA Times.

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