iOS 9 Beta Release Date Confirmed On May 2015? Apple Revealed New Features, Specs, And Concepts For The Software!

Release date set
New Features
New Specs

Good news to gadget enthusiast as Apple announced the beta release date of the iOS 9, along with its new features, specs, and concepts for the new software.

The Fuse Joplin reportedly claimed that beta test launch date for the new iOS 9 software is set on May 2015 as Forbes writer Gordon Kelly hinted that Apple has some interesting plans for new iOS software update.

"Far more exciting though is news Apple will also apply this policy to iOS 9. The company is expected to debut the next gen release at its Worldwide Developer Conference (WWDC) in June and follow up with a public beta release during the summer, and final release in the fall,” Kelly wrote.

With that being said, many Apple users and gadget enthusiast are expecting something huge for the iOS 9 update, in terms of new features and specs. Design&Trend also reported that the public beta testing program could be limited to 100,000 people to maintain its level of exclusivity.

According to the Fuse Joplin, the iOS 9 will feature an improved FaceTime which can trump other apps such as Skye, along with new Group chat conversations.

The website further adds that iOS 9 will have a battery saving options which can be useful not just to new devices like iPhone 6 and 6 plus but older models as well. Forbes reports that 9toMac made a survey were in 3,1000 people responded and 90 percent agreed that Apple should increase battery life, while 60 percent wanted to increase the smartphones' size to accommodate a larger battery scale.

"A solid majority of over 60% of respondents said that Apple should thicken the next iPhone to improve its battery life, which is especially noteworthy given that there were other poll options. Over 31% said that Apple should achieve whatever battery improvements it can by improving the iPhone’s chips, while just under 2% said that Apple should instead focus on improving battery cases," Forbes reports.

Other improvements for the iOS 9 includes better Map applications that can rival Google Map and photo applications. GottaBeMobile posted a new video concept of the iOS 9.

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