The Mindy Project' Season 3 Recap: Stephen Colbert As Father Michael Debuts In Episode 20, 'Confessions of a Catho-holic'


Isn't it nice to see Stephen Colbert on TV? In "The Mindy Project" season 3, episode 20 titled, "Confessions of a Catho-holic," viewers saw Danny and Mindy put on a façade for Danny's priest friend, Father Michael. Keep on reading for the recap of the latest episode.

In "The Mindy Project" season 3, episode 20, fans finally get to see who Father Michael is. It's good to put a face on the guy who acted as Danny's father figure when his dad left years ago. Father Michael used to be the "cool" kid during his days with Danny. He was actually Danny's neighbor back then and from drugs and tattoos, Father Michael has completely changed to a devout Catholic. And of course, Danny's Catholic as well but not as devout as him.

With this revelation, Danny told Father Michael that Mindy is a Catholic and they're just "living together" but not having sex or anything. Mindy wants Father Michael to like her so she invited him over to dinner.

During dinner, Mindy was texting with Morgan the whole time asking for tips on what to talk about such as the Old Testament and the New Testament. She went for a bathroom break and luckily remembered that there are condoms in the medicine cabinet and every visitor in the house really does snoop around and the best thing to find clues is through the medicine cabinet.

Continuing to the recap for "The Mindy Project" season 3, episode 20, Father Michael and Danny were talking about Danny's old girlfriend who was a sex maniac and how Mindy is an awesome match for Danny. Mindy got to thinking if Danny likes her better if she's really like the way she's acting now instead of the real her? Instead of dwelling on that thought, she retired to bed.

Things turned around when Danny's computer is on screensaver mode and it displays Mindy's sonogram. Danny gave up the act and said to Father Michael that he's having a baby with a woman he's not married to and he doesn't feel guilty about that.

In fact, he's very happy! Mindy saved the evening by saying that she wants her baby to be just like Danny - to be raised a Catholic.

Tune in for more spoilers, recap, and cast updates for "The Mindy Project" season 3 which airs Tuesdays at 9:30 p.m. on FOX.

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