'Secrets and Lies' Season 1 Recap: Ben Finds Disturbing Truth About His Neighbors In 'The Sister' Episode 4


In the latest episode of "Secrets and Lies" season 1, episode 4, things are becoming clearer that the neighbors have skeletons in their closets - no matter how normal they look. And Ben investigated one neighbor who seemed guilty enough to be Tom's murderer. Keep on reading for the recap of the latest episode titled, "The Sister."

Ben was watching the news about Tom and it said that Tom left that night with someone he trusts and it is very likely that the boy was also abused sexually. Meanwhile, Natalie suspected that she's pregnant but she hasn't taken any pregnancy test. Aside from that, her mom took away her laptop and her phone until she talks about what happened between her and Dave.

Detective Cornell showed up to talk to Natalie and asked her where she was two nights before Tom got murdered. She admitted that she babysat him but when he fell asleep she asked their neighbor Vanessa Richardson to come watch over Tom because she went to a concert with her boyfriend, Cooper.

Ben learned about this so she went to Vanessa who was apparently holding a stuffed bunny from Tom's shrine in the woods. Vanessa then told Ben that the stuffed animal was his son's who died. She invited him over and while she was making Ben something to drink, Ben snooped around and found a picture of a boy with bruises all over his body. Not missing a beat, he took photos of it just so he could prove his innocence.

Joseph, Vanessa's husband, showed up. He's a pediatrician and wanted to look at Ben's cut in the head that doesn't seem to heal. Arthur Fenton, Ben's new painting client, was pushing Ben to go to the press to clear his name but he still doesn't think its time because he needs more evidence.

When he got home he researched about Joseph Richardson and found out that his real name was Joseph Rawlings who was fired from a UK hospital due to sexual misconduct. All clues are pointing to the Richardsons now.

He managed to get in touch with a reporter from the UK who covered the Rawling's case and after that went to the sex crimes department to reveal what he knows. Cornell showed up and Ben wondered why she isn't investigating the Richardsons and Cornell said that everybody lies including his daughter who wasn't really at the concert with Cooper two nights before Tom was murdered but was with Dave.

Ben went to his parent's house to confront Dave and he told him that it's true but he was only with Natalie because Cooper flaked out at the last minute and he was the one who took her to the concert instead. Dave insisted that nothing's going on with him and Natalie.

Contiuing to the recap of "Secret and Lies" season 1, episode 4, Christy mentioned that the Richardsons invited them over for dinner. At first Ben didn't want to go until he asked Fenton to investigate about Richardson while Fenton suggested that he snoop around the house more.

So he went to the dinner party and went upstairs to snoop around. Joseph caught him and Ben went hysterical and told him that he killed Tom. Vanessa showed up and told him that Malcolm had hemophilia, which explains the bruises and Joe was wrongly accused of abuse.

Malcolm was removed from them to be placed in a group home but the man in charge there abused him, and the photos of the boy were there to get Malcolm back but they were too late because he already died.

Natalie got a negative pregnancy test as well as a father speech from Ben and got his phone back. Then she cleared that nothing really happened between her and Dave. Ben went to Fenton's and he revealed that Vanessa and Jo are actually half-siblings and in exchange of that information, he wrote an article about the Richardsons but Ben told him not to publish it. Fenton will not publish it if he gives him an exclusive, but Ben doesn't want that either.

Ben called the Richardsons to warn them about the story that's about to go live but no one was answering and when he got to their place he found it deserted. Dave and Ben were pals again.

The episode ended with Cornell asking Ben if he called a woman named Sarah Jenkins with the same phone number as Jess and when she let him listen to the voicemail we heard Ben's voice, "Jess, I don't know what's gonna happen tomoorow, I just wanna say I'm sorry."

Don't forget to tune in for more spoilers, recaps and updates of "Secret and Lies" season 1 which airs Sundays 9 pm at ABC.

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