'Eye Candy' Finale Recap: 'Killer' Finally Revealed; Lindy Faces Flirtual Killer Jake! [SPOILERS]


The season finale of "Eye Candy" episode 10, called "A4U," has just aired and fans have finally gotten their questions answered. Keep on reading for the recap on the exciting finale.

The recap of "Eye Candy" seadon finale, episode 10, "A4U" contains spoilers.

The episode kicked off with a flashback on a man telling a little boy "You'll find her and she'll be perfect." Then the man told the child not to go into the next room no matter what. He heard a gunshot and of course, the little boy wandered into the next room and found his dead parents, the little boy is Jake.

Lindy and Jake have arrived on Hart Island and Lindy is now aware that Jake is the Flirtual killer. She finally confronted him about this and then he showed her the body is nowhere to be found but the tablet's there. Jake still wanted to help Lindy. Lindy tried to escape but she got knocked out and when she woke up she was locked in a room.

She was able to break out of the room and found Jake upstairs holding a knife. He then told her the story about his parents about how his father met his mom at the asylum and broke his way in to free his mother. However, his father found out that his mother was a drug addict and that's when he started blaming her for everything.

All his life he's been looking for The One and now he met Lindy, not the perfect one for him yet because of her sister but he's going to make that right, which is why Jake captured Sophia so Lindy would save her and things will be right again. Lindy was able to save Sophia and they tried to escape but then Lindy found out that Jake has his own wireless system on the island, which means that getting on his computer she will be able to send a message to anyone. She found the computer alright, but it was actually set up to answer all of her questions.

The computer revealed that Jake was capable of doing hoffic things with no remors even as a child. In fact, he even injected his mother with an air bubble from a syringe to end her pain and his father found his mother lifeless and thought that she overdosed, which is why his father killed himself. After that revelation, she looked for Sara and when she got the information she transferred it onto her USB but before she and Sophia could escape, Jake got to them and stabbed Sophia and she was forced to go with him.

When all of these are happening Tommy and Connor were on their way to Hart Island to save Lindy and when they got there, they knew Lindy was in trouble. Connor found Sophia while Tommy found Lindy and Jake. He tried to stop them but Lindy said that he has to leave with Jake because she loves him. We all know that this was a setup but Tommy didn't know this plan and told Lindy that he will never stop looking for her.

Jake and Lindy were at a train station and he handed her another table, which contained all the information that she needs to get to her sister who is in her hometown. Just when things were going smooth for Jake, things quickly turned around because George sent out a message to everyone in the station saying that the Flirtual Killer is there and when he tried to shoot using his gun he found out it was empty of bullets and Tommy was suddenly there and he took Jake down.

Lindy then chatted with Tommy briefly to tell him that she needs to go after her sister and on the bus back to her hometown, Lindy watched the video on the table and she found out that her sister wasn't kidnapped but she just ran away with her boyfriend and she heard her say, "At least now they'll be safe. Lindy will be safe."

There you have it on the recap of the season finale of "Eye Candy" called "A4U."

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