'StarCraft 2: Legacy Of The Void' Update: Closed Beta Test Set On March 31 Confirmed! New Terran, Zerg, And Protoss Units Revealed [VIDEOS]


Good news gaming fans as new updates for the third "StarCraft 2" expansion pack, "StarCraft 2: Legacy of the Void" have been revealed regarding its beta test release and new units for the game.

According to VG 24/7, Blizzard has announced that the open Beta Test "StarCraft 2: Legacy of the Void" is set on March 31, 2015 as the website adds that invites will be sent to a small number of players with more participation offers emailed as the test progresses and expands.

Cinemablend further adds that Blizzard normally hold betas later in the development of a game. As a result, players are expected to see "StarCraft 2: Legacy of the Void" to be in rougher shape than usual as certain units and features will be missing i the game. The good thing about the beta test is that it will run longer than other test that Blizzard has conducted in the game.

Aside from the beta test announcement, their are also new features and units for "StarCraft 2: Legacy of the Void". Cinemablend has reported that the beta test will let players try out both the competitive multiplayer along with the new Archon mode. Archon mode lets two players share a base along with its units and resources, and must work together to defeat one or more opponents in the game.

Protoss race will have a new unit called "The Adept" that has only ground ranged attacks and can create a mirror image of itself. Shortly afterward, the Adept can teleport to the location of its duplicate.

"This is a new unit that we feel rather confident about. We’d like this unit to serve as a core unit option. This means that this unit will be able to perform some of the previous roles filled by Zealots or Stalkers and, in some cases, do it better," Blizzard said.

Three new maps are also introduced in the game which includes "Ruins of Seras", "Lerilak Crest" and the Orbital Shipyard.

For the Terran, new units include the Herc and the Cyclone as well as new skills available for the Battle Cruise and the Siege Tanks. The Battle Cruiser can now teleport to any location and the Siege Tanks can now move while in Siege mode.

The Zerg will have the Ravager as well as the return of an old unit, the Lurkers. The Infestors and Corruptors will get new abilities and the Swarm Hosts are now upgrade the Locusts to fly.

Lastly, the Protoss will have the Disruptor as new armor upgrades for the Immortals are now available.The Protoss Carrier can now deploy interceptors to fight at specific target areas, rather than just going after individual enemies.

For more information on "StarCraft 2's" beta test just go to Battle.net.

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