'Suicide Squad' Movie Update: Harley Quinn Origin And Costume Details Revealed Online As Viola Davis Talks About Amanda Waller In The Film! The Thinker To Be Played By Jackie Earle Haley Rumored

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Good news DC fans as new updates for "Suicide Squad" the movie have been revealed regarding the origin story of Harley Quinn, Viola Davis take on Amanda Waller, and a rumored new character.

According to Screenrant, Latino Review insider Umberto Gonzales posted another photo on his Instagram account claiming that his source knows the origin story and costume of Margot Robbie's character Harley Quinn.

According to the post, Harley will wear a variety of costume in the movie as the first one is a homage to her original costume with a prison motif and the other one is a red dress during club scene somewhere in the movie.

Gonzales also pointed out that Harley's pet hyenas are also present in the movie. The hyenas were first scene in the "Batman: The Animated Series" as Harley was also created in the 90's cartoon series.

Perhaps this version of Harley Quinn's origin story in the film will take a similar turn as her origin story in "Batman: The Animated Series," paying homage to the cartoon series.

Aside from Harley Quinn origins and costume, "How to Get Away With Murder" star Viola Davis shared new details about Amanda Waller and her role in the "Suicide Squad" movie.

"That she’s Amanda Waller! That she’s badass… She’s unapologetic. Everything that I’m reading and studying about her: unapologetic, no humor, just brutal. That’s me!", Davis said to ComicBookResources.

Davis further adds, “Listen, she gets to use a gun… It’s my fantasy. Now, I would never do that in life, but when I get a gun on a set, it does something to me.”

Finally, there are rumors making rounds that "RoboCop" star Jackie Earle Haley is targeted for the role of The Thinker in the movie.

According to Screenrant, Gonzales claim that the Thinker will appear sometime in the movie as he is an inmate of Belle Reve prison, the base of operations for the Suicide Squad. Haley is well known to play the violent vigilante Rorschach in Zack Snyder's film "Watchmen".

So far Warner Bros. did not make any statement regarding Haley's involvement in the film.

"Suicide Squad" movie will released in theaters on Aug. 5, 2016.

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