'Tom Clancy's The Division' PS4 Xbox One Release Date Finally REVEALED By Ubisoft To Be On October 2015 Alleged; Ubisoft Reveals New Details About The Setting Of The Game

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"Tom Clancy's The Division" PS4 Xbox One release date has been allegedly set to October 2015 as reports suggest.

Cyberland has reported that allegedly, Ubisoft set the "Tom Clancy's The Division" PS4 Xbox One release dat to be on October 2015.

"My sources can confirm that The Division would be available by October," wrote Cyberland.

Meanwhile, Venture Capital Post has reported on the new details about "Tom Clancy's The Division" about how the map of the game would feel like.

"According to recent interviews and spills from Ubisoft Massive's brand director Rodrigo Cortes, "The Division" will apparently feature an extremely realistic interpretation of the open-world military experience set in post-epidemic New York City. It was also claimed that the game will feature special effects real enough that New Yorkers would actually feel at home," wrote Venture Capital Post.

Venture Capital Post then stated, "Cortes also shared that: "We have [made] some creative choices so [the city] works with the gameplay, but at the same time it has the same scale and level of fidelity that you would expect New York to have, from all the details [like] streets, signs, stores and what you see inside of the windows, that there's life still."

"David Polfeldt from Ubisoft Massive shared as well that "Tom Clancy's The Division" will be a "big, open, long journey for players to discover," and added that there are "many many things happening underground in New York," which will be explored by players when the map finally becomes released."

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