Scientology Chief David Miscavige Spied on His Own Dad? Hired a Private Investigator to Tail and Harass Him! What are His Reasons?


Scientology leader David Miscavige's father, who had left the Church, was reportedly spied on, according to a police report.

For eighteen months, the private detective repotedly tailed every move made by David Miscavige's father as they monitored, spied on his emails and also planted a GPS unit on his car, a police report revealed.

According to the L.A. Times, the church paid two detectives $10,000 a week via an intermediary, the records imply, all because of Miscavige feared that his father would disclose too much about the organization's activities.

There are allegations that the church has bullied, intimidated or abused current, as well as former members. The incident detailed in the documents obtained by the Los Angeles Times is the latest in the series.

The surveillance of Ronald Miscavige Sr., a longtime Scientologist who had recently parted ways with the church, was described by Florida private eye Dwayne S. Powell following his arrest in July 2013 near Milwaukee. Where he was found with an arsenal of weapons.

Powell claimed that he and his son Daniel were ruthlessly harassing David Miscavige's father and that, at one point, when it looked like David's dad was having a heart attack, David told them to just "let him die."

Dwayne reportedly went as far as claiming the church paid him and his son to not only tail, but also harass Ronald.

They'd allegedly search his garbage, sit next to him when he went to restaurants, check his emails by standing behind him when he went to the library and on and on, TMZ noted.

The police report obtained by TMZ also revealed one occasion when Ron was loading his purchases into his car and collapsed while grasping his chest, Dwayne and his son thought he was having a heart attack so they called their Church contact. Dwayne says just 2 minutes later, he got a call from a man who identified himself as Ron's son David Miscavige. The police report says Dwayne recalled that David told him if it was his father's time to die, to let him die and not come between in any way.

In September 2014, Ronald went to the cops again claiming he was still being followed and someone had gone through his trash. He told the police that David was afraid he'd reveal to the media the negative inner workings of the church and David's abuse of the members of the church.

David Miscavige's lawyer, however, told the L.A. Times that neither did David know Dwayne nor did he speak to him or hired him for that matter.

Dwayne Powell faced charges last year for possessing an illegal silencer. However, the indictment was dismissed and he was allowed to enter a pre-trial diversion program.

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