Cara Delevingne, Rumored Girlfriend St. Vincent Fly Out Of LA; 'Couple' Wears Matching Coat

Cara Delevingne

Cara Delevingne and rumored girlfriend St. Vincent was spotted at the Los Angeles Airport wearing matching coats as they head out for their flight on Friday.

The pair, who has yet to confirm the dating rumors, arrived at the airport looking very stylish.

"For their flight, the model threw on a black trench, the same jacket that her rumoured girlfriend wore to the Burberry From London To Los Angeles parade the night before - the pair's first public event together," said Daily Mail.

"The fact the two are sharing a wardrobe was not easy to spot, but on closer inspection the Burberry signature trim along the coat's collar gave it away," the article added.

For good measure, Cara Delevingne also had on a Burberry scarf.

Cara Delevingne is the face of Burberry fragrance.

In describing the My Burberry perfume, St. Vincent's rumored girlfriend told Style, "It's pretty fucking delicious. The first time I smelled it, I tried to lick it."

"It's got quite an edible smell to it. It brings back memories of England and home and outside. There's something just homey about it. I can't describe what it is. It's obviously quite nature-y as well. It's kind of like an indoor/outdoor smell. It smells like wet trees," she said.

Cara Delevingne and St. Vincent reportedly made their relationship public at the Brit Awards after they were seen "kissing and holding hands."

"Model of the moment Cara is thought to be smitten with St Vincent, real name Annie Clark, and has been following her around the globe on her tour," Daily Mirror reported.

The British supermodel then attended St. Vincent's concerts in Tulsa and Tokyo, and they reportedly went on a holiday in Bali, Indonesia.

While not directly admitting she's bisexual, Cara Delevigne used to date Michelle Rodriguez of the "Fast & the Furious 7."

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