'Sims 4 Get To Work' Things Player Can Try As A Detective, Find Hidden Clues At The Crime Scene, Play As Good Or Bad Cop During Interrogation And More!

Sims 4 Get To Work

The developer of “Sims 4: Get to Work” has released a list of things that Sims can do as a doctor or in a retail business in the game. This week they also shared things that the player can do as a detective.

According to SimGuruHouts in The Sims website, there are things that the Sims can do to work their way up to being the Chief of Police in "Sims 4: Get to Work".

SimGuruHouts advised the Sim to learn how to clearly identify clues at the crime scene, as most of them are scattered around, some are burned, damaged objects, stolen goods and more. Sometimes, the Sim should use innate abilities. They can click on the ground and select "Search for Clues" interaction and it will highlight hidden clues.

A Sim can also play a bad or good cop during the interrogation, where the Sim asks questions to the suspect. They can play a good cop like in the movies, "I'm on your side, I love llamas too!" or might be a bad cop, "Admit it! You stole the pie from Bella Goth's kitchen!"

Also, before doing the interrogation of the suspect, the Sims should check the jeans pocket of the suspect, as might it have knives or any weapon that can harm the Sims. One of the clues that the Sims can uncover about the suspect is linked to their traits. With the observant trait, Sims can easily identify the traits of a suspect or any Sim they meet.

Meanwhile, as a detective, and if you want to be Chief of Police in "Sims 4 Get to Work", SimGuruHouts wrote that the Sim should at least spend time to chat with their boss for some "friendly encouragement."

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