Ireland Baldwin Checks Out Of Rehab In California; Debuts New Brunette Hair

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Ireland Baldwin sported a new hair, perhaps to signify a new beginning, as she emerged out of the California rehab recently.

A photo of the model, daughter of Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger, was published on E! News, and she looked almost unrecognizable in a brunette hair and minimal makeup outside of the Soba Recovery Center in Malibu.

"Ireland Baldwin recently left a California treatment center, which she had checked into in order to deal with "emotional trauma," and is continuing her recovery as an outpatient," the report said.

When she checked into the rehab, she was sporting platinum blonde hair.

The former girlfriend of Angel Haze said, "I'm not much a party cat but I am here [to] deal with some emotional trauma and getting the intensive therapy I needed in order to recover."

"Someday I'll feel ready to share my story openly without feeling the way I do. Right now I just needed a breather. I needed a chance to work on myself and gather all the tools."

She added, "I need to overcome everything that I had been through and rid myself of all the pain I locked away in unreachable places."

Page Six earlier claimed that Ireland Baldwin did not enter rehab because she broke up with Angel Haze.

Ireland Baldwin is also very active in her Instagram page as she shared a bunch of selfies showcasing her new brunette hair which she got while in rehab.

But her hair is not on the only thing that signify a great turnaround it the life of Ireland Baldwin following her emotional issues.

A couple of days ago, Angel Haze's ex also posted a quote by Socrates on her Instagram as a way to inspire herself to introduce some changes into her life. The quote reads, "The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new."

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