Twitter Debuts New Search Page For All Web Users; Sports A New Cleaner Look, Revised Design, Enhance Filtering Options And More!


After a long period, Twitter has rolled out a major overhaul for its web users with a new search results interface.

Popular online social networking service, Twitter, has rolled out its new search results interface, accessible to all logged-in users on the Web, boasting a cleaner look-and-feel coupled with more filtering options that enable users to sort results by top tweets, live tweets, accounts, photos, videos, news and more.

The rollout, which the company began testing in April, made the new interface accessible to a small group of Twitter users, the social networking giant noted at the time.

Based on the search query, the new search page highlights important tweets, images and accounts. Plus, users can now switch between "Top" tweets that either come from prominent accounts or have been retweeted a lot, and "Live" tweets that highlight the newest post from the community, according to The Next Web.

But that's not all, users can opt to look up photos, videos, accounts and news specifically and also save or embed their searches.

Despite the introduction of the new search page, Twitter did not change the advanced search option that allowed users to filter tweets based on location, date range and whether they are positive, negative or simply asking a question.

That being said, ease-of-use has been the area Twitter has struggled with over the years. The popular social networking website's own execs have messed up repeatedly by tweeting when they actually mean to DM (direct message).

New Twitter users struggle with finding people to follow, and attract followers for themselves, while many are simply interested in quietly follow Twitter updates rather than becoming active users themselves, TechCrunch noted.

Twitter has begun catering to not only the new users but also these logged-out visitors by offering an array of recent updates to its popular service, including a refreshed landing page that allows users to keep a track of what's happening across several news categories, and features such as the "instant timeline" and "while you were away."

The updates as well as the changes with the search engine are laid out to enhance the experience of using Twitter easier for those who are new to the service.

On searching for a phrase or a keyword on, the search results returns a notable tweet near the top of the page, which is basically something related to the search that have favorited or retweeted several times. In some cases, however, the top result is not necessarily the one which is most retweeted or favorited, but one that matches what according to Twitter is the searcher's intent.

The UI is noticeably less cluttered as opposed to the previous one, and it also offers few tabs on top covering the search categories.

In an emailed statement to Marketing Land, a Twitter spokesperson confirmed the rollout stating that the company will continue to iterate and improve on this, to make it easier for users to find exactly what they are looking for when searching on Twitter.

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