Effective Prostate Cancer Prevention Linked To Green Tea; Find Out Which Component May Help Curb Prostate Cancer In Men!


Green tea is on top of the list of things that may actually prevent cancer development, a new research shows.

Green tea is well known for its health benefits. A new study revealed that a component found in green tea may actually help reduce development of prostate cancer in men facing high risk.

Two research papers, earlier this year explained how green tea may help reduce the risk of developing some cancers.

Nagi B. Kumar, Ph.D., R.D., F.A.D.A. at Moffitt Cancer Center spearheaded a team of researchers in order to assess the safety and effectiveness of the active components in green tea called "catechins" to prevent prostate cancer development in those men who have premalignant lesions, according to reports on The Indian Express.

Prostate cancer death rates are among the lowest in Asian countries where 20 percent of green tea is consumed, the risk of prostate cancer seem to be increased among Asian men who quit their original dietary routine upon shifting to the United States, according to the study published in the journal Cancer Prevention Research.

Laboratory studies have proved catechins curbs cancer cell growth, motility and invasion, and triggers cancer cell death. Moreover, Green tea catechins also blocks as well as reduces tumor growth in animal models.

Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) is the most abundant and potent catechin found in green tea for these cancer prevention effects.

A team of food scientists from the Pennsylvania State University, funded by the American Institute for Cancer Research claim they have found a compound in green tea extract that may be capable of killing oral cancer cells without damaging the healthy cells.

The cancer cells-killing process is initiated by Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG).

The main purpose behind the research was to determine if a one-year intervention with green tea catechins could actually stop prostate cancer development. Scientists employed a decaffeinated green tea capsule called Polyphenon E which contains compounds catechins as well as EGCG.

Back in 2012, a team of scientists reported that men who drank green tea reportedly had less prostate tissue inflammation which is associated with cancer growth. The tests showed that a compound called polyphenols (antioxidants) was able to reach prostate tissues, and also modify inflammation in the area, STGIST noted.

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