Facebook Messenger No Longer Shares Users' Location By Default As Facebook Gives Users Full Control Over Sharing Their Location Information!

Facebook Messenger

Facebook introduced a new feature that allows users to directly send their location or a different location to a friend via Facebook's Messenger.

Facebook users can already share their location with the person they are chatting with in Facebook Messenger, but the popular social networking service recently introduced a new way to send a location as a part of a conversation in Messenger.

On Thursday, June 4, head of product for Messenger, Stan Chudnovsky, announced that Facebook has replaced its previous location sharing feature, now allowing users to choose to easily send a map of their location or another particular place as a separate message.

Chudnovsky wrote in a blog post that, To get started, just tap the More icon or the location pin at the bottom of your screen.

"If you want to tell a friend which restaurant to meet you at, search for the restaurant and send a map of where it is. If you're running late, send a map of where you are to your friend to let him or her know how far away you are," Chudnovsky added.

This new update gives users full control over when and how they want to share their location information.

Facebook users can send a location by simply tapping on the location pin and then choosing to send it as a separate message. In addition, users can also share a location like a meeting spot even if they are not there.

Moreover, sending location is not mandatory and Facebook has not change anything regarding how the company receives users' location information, CNN Money noted.

"As always, Messenger doesn't get any location information from your device unless you enable location services for the app."

"Messenger does not get location information from your device in the background-only each time you select a location and tap Send when you use the Messenger app. We are not requesting any new permission for your information," Chudnovsky explained in the blog post.

Facebook-acquired WhatsApp messaging app too has had a similar location-sharing feature for a long time.

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