Skype For Web Beta Officially Open For All Users In The United States And United Kingdom; Launching Worldwide In The Next Few Weeks!


The popular calling and messaging app, Skype, just joined the web-based app ranks, but there's a catch.

Microsoft today announced Skype for Web (Beta) for all new and existing users in the US and UK with the rest of the world being added in coming weeks. The news comes after the company's recent announcement about the improvements to Skype for Outlook.

The move also makes it easier to connect to the audio and video calling service.

In order to receive calls, users will need to be logged into Skype's website, but for those who use the smartphone apps more frequently than their desktop versions, this could turn out to be a convenient option, The Verge noted.

The tech giant announced it would revert to basics with an in-browser version of the platform already accessible via mobile devices, desktops, game consoles and televisions.

Rather than slowing down the computer with another app install, users can simply sign in to Skype beta for Web and begin instant messaging as well as making calls.

Jonathan Watson, senior product marketing manager for user reach and engagement said in a blog post, "Perhaps you're sitting at a Windows or Mac computer in an Internet cafe or hotel that doesn't already have Skype downloaded."

Skype for Web works across a wide range of browsers including Internet Explorer 10 and up, Chrome, Firefox and Safari 6 and up, according to records on PC Mag.

There is one catch though, users will need to download a small plug-in in order to start a conversation until Microsoft and Skype's work on Real-Time Communication (RTC) becomes a reality. User just needs to follow the prompt after logging in to be ready to chat.

While working on its beta, Skype will address issues concerning browser availability and battery consumption for Mac user and video call connection times. Nevertheless, a few flaws including the improved search feature have already been worked out.

Moreover, for Web users now finding people and groups via a searchable timeline view is cakewalk.

Irrespective of Skype platform, the program syncs across all devices such as browsers, to make sure users' latest chats are accessible. Skype for Web will also provide a pop-up notification.

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