Minecraft Update 1.17 Rolls Out Today On PS3, PS4 And PS Vita; Check Out The Full List Of Patch Notes!

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"Minecraft" update 1.17 is slated to go live today, July 1 on PS3, PS4, and PS Vita. The update is expected to tweak the popular sandbox independent video game, and also add DLC compatibility besides bringing along some new additions.

The update is valid on all three platforms (unless otherwise noted). Check out the full list of the patch noted for "Minecraft" update 1.17, PlayStationLifeStyle noted.

Changes / Additions

Jungle Wood Fence, Birch Wood Fence, Spruce Wood Fence, Oak Wood Fence added.

Oak Wood Fence Gate, Spruce Wood Fence Gate, Birch Wood Fence Gate, Jungle Wood Fence Gate added.
Oak Wood Door, Spruce Wood Door, Birch Wood Door, Jungle Wood Door added.

Iron Trapdoor, Inverted Daylight Sensor, Book and Quill, Stained Glass and Stained Glass Panes added.

Custom Superflat User Interface, allowing players to customize superflat world generation added.

New in-game options to allow changing game mode, difficulty setting, time of day, and spawn position per player, and disable or enable ambient cave sounds, and weather settings added.

Split Load/Join interface into Create/Load/Join.

Game Mode selection changed to a slider.

Classic Crafting option, so you can now craft the same way as on the Java version if you really want to! This option is available in the UI settings menu added.

LittleBigPlanet Mash-up Pack (trial content) added.

Enabled USB keyboard use for Book and Quill. (for PS4 and PS3 only).


Fixed a crash when a lot of Redstone Dust was used.

Various incorrect tooltip issues fixed.

Mined item entities sometimes appearing at the top of the world, instead of spawning where the block is destroyed fixed.

Fix for an issue with corrupt capes on characters.

Issue where players could open Trapped Chests, Droppers, Hoppers and Beacons even though "Can Open Containers" was off, fixed.

A crash every time a flaming arrow shot from a Dispenser hits TNT also fixed.

Fixed a Memory leak causing crashes after continued play sessions.

An issue with dropped items sinking below the ground fixed as well.

Fixed an issue with TNT explosions.

Fixed a problem with baby villagers' collision height.

Fixed an issue with the Steampunk Texture pack (for PS3 only).

According to a post on developer Mojang's official blog, with the new "Minecraft" update 1.17/TU25/CU14, players will be able to adjust important settings including difficulty, weather, time of day, game modes and spawn positions. In addition, there will be another option to adjust the worlds vertically for those who prefer flatter terrains that does not require so much digging.

Plus, there will also be a new Minecon 2015 skin pack, and these free skins as detailed on the PlayStation Blog, adds capes to player characters Steve and Alex. These free skins are due July 15.

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