'Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare' Slated To Get More Free DLC This Month; Three New Guns Added!

Call of Duty

"Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare" rejoice! Developer Sledgehammer will be introducing three new weapons along with their unique variants for players to enjoy in the hit first-person shooter's multiplayer.

"Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare" players will be treated to three new weapons, according to a July 14 official post by Seldgehammer's SHG_Hammerman. These weapons will also be coming with their variants.

However, developer Sledgehammer noted that initially the weapons will be released on Xbox One and it will come to PS4 and PC later. The studio assured that these will be coming soon on these consoles as well.

These weapons will be hitting the Supply Drop rotation on Tuesday, July 21, first on Xbox One, according to records on International Business Times.

The three new weapons include:


It's a short-range weapon that is capable of doing heavy damage when the victims at a closer range. The loading time between single shots is slow. Blunderbuss will be handy when players have objectives in Hardpoint or while keeping their team's flag secure in Capture the Flag.

However, if players have to unlock their Blunderbuss base weapon, it can be only done after they receive one of the 10 variants via Advanced Supply Drop or Supply Drop.


STG44 is the new assault rifle making a comeback. It can be used in multiplayer. Known for its accuracy and comfortable fire rate, STG44 is helpful in medium-range combat fights. STG44 has five variants and to access the weapon, players will have to receive one of its variants in an Advanced Supply Drop or Supply Drop to unlock it.


This is a sniper rifle having a high accuracy rate, but increased recoil. SVO is a semi-automatic weapon that can be fitted with thermal scope or with iron sights.

SVO too has five variants and players will have to receive one of these to get the base weapon via Advanced Supply or Supply Drop to unlock it, according to records on VG 24/7.

Mined Data In PC Files Reveals Gears, Maps And More

Several players love to mine data hidden in the game files, and one such PC player shares it with Charlie Intel via Twitter. These details that have been revealed have been part of the new update.

The mined data encompasses maps, gears and the new feature called Supply Credit.

Maps include the following

Fracture: Set in an Arctic excavation site and involved mid to long range engagements.

Overload: Set in downtown New Baghdad.

Pandemic: Set in Liberty Island, it involves gameplay for all types of weapons and player styles.

Swarm: It is set in Seoul, South Korea at reconstruction site. Swarm will be for fast combat engagements.


Gears encompass new gear set and Legendary Loot.

New Feature

The mined data also revealed a new feature in "Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare" dubbed Supply Credits that lets players to redeem their loot for credits instead of XP.

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