'Call Of Duty" Advanced Warfare' Gets Final DLC Pack 'Reckoning' Featuring Four All-New Multiplayer Maps

Call of Duty

"Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare's" final DLC dubbed "Reckoning" hit Xbox 360 and Xbox One on Aug. 4.

Developer Sledgehammer recently announced that it will bring three new weapons (Blunderbuss, STG44, and SVO) along with their unique variants to the popular first-person shooter's multiplayer.

On Monday, July 27, the game's publisher, Activision announced the fourth and final DLC pack for "Advanced Warfare. The Reckoning" pack, which marks the denouement of the Bill Paxton, Bruce Campbell starrer Exo Zombie adventure and brings forth all-new maps to the game.

Reckoning is slated to first release on Xbox LIVE for Xbox 360 and Xbox One on Aug. 4. Reckoning will then hit the PlayStation Network and PC around one month later. The DLC pack can be downloaded as part of the Season Pass for $49.99 and alternatively can be bought by itself for $14.99, per Insquisitr.

Descent, the concluding episode included with Advanced Warfare: Reckoning, "takes players under the ocean to a secret Atlas facility" via its co-op zombie survival mode. Along with now undead John Malkovich, a slew of stars including Bill Paxton, Rose McGowan, Jon Bernthal, and Bruce Campbell also make their return.

Activision noted that the aforementioned five heroes will finally unveil the reason of the zombie outbreak; Atlas has been hiding all the while.

This episode takes the wraps off "fused" exo zombies enemies and the Trident Reflected Energy Weapon.

The Trident Reflected Energy Weapon kills enemies by sending a beam of energy that bounces around a room just like a "crazy super ball."

According to reports on TechTimes, the secret hidden by the private military corporation may revolve around a huge, mutated zombie monster that player will obviously need to kill.

For those players who don't intend to play exo-zombie and would rather stick to defeating their fellow man, the Reckoning DLC offers four new multiplayer maps:


Keeping the exo-grapple-hook in mind, each map boasts their own unique interactive elements.


Placed on a giant glacier, Fracture "begins to break apart over the course of a match."


In order to wipe out enemies that come too close, players can shoot a glowing purple cylinder thanks to a "plasma lance" on the Overload map.


The center of this map transforms into a massive pit that players need to avoid.


This map allows players to control a drone swarm and unleash chaos on the enemy team.

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