International Beer Day 2015 Hangover Cure: Aussie Study Says, Korean Pears Cut Down On Blood Alcohol


Though drinking a can of cold beer is refreshing on any day, it's even better to drink the prized beverage on International Beer day because millions of people around the world are drinking along with you.

According to Fox News Friday, 7 Aug, 2015 was International Beer Day but yes, the celebration would continue through the April 9th weekend.

Though many beer drinkers are cautious about alcohol intake and beer is among the lowest alcohol-containing beverages, one can still have one too many. But there is good news coming your way amid International Beer day celebrations. A group of scientist from Australia are reported to have come up with a solution for hangover.

Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) of Australia have made an announcement in their blog published last month that having pear juice before drinking alcohol would prevent hangover.

The researchers noted that eating a pear before drink would reduce blood alcohol level as well as control hangover symptoms.

"Korean pears have been used as a hangover cure for centuries in Korea and China," Professor Manny Noakes from the CSIRO told She also noted that "This study that by Korean researches showed there was some validity to the claim that consuming 220mL of pear juice prior to alcohol consumption could reduce blood alcohol levels by 20 per cent and reduced the symptoms of a hangover."

CSIRO reported that "In particular, reductions were seen in blood acetaldehyde levels, the toxic metabolic thought to be responsible for the hangover symptoms, with pear juice consumption."

Noakes also noted that Nashi pears usually referred as Japanese, Asian or sand pears might also have the effect of Korean pears as far as hangover problem is concerned but it is not definite that all pear varieties in the world would have same alcohol detoxing property.

When Noakes was asked if pear cider would have same effect on hangover she said "No, but I think you're about the sixth person to ask me that question."

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