"Jang Ok Jung Lives for Love" Yoo Ah In and Jae Hee's Hostile First Meeting

Jang Ok Jung Lives For Love
Jang Ok Jung Live In Love
Yoo Ah In
Jae Hee

"Jang Ok Jung Lives for Love" Jae Hee meets Yoo Ah In for the very first time. Why so hostile?

May 27, an episode of the SBS drama "Jang Ok Jung Lives for Love" featured Hyun Chi Soo (Jae Hee) acting very hostile towards Lee Soon (Yoo Ah In) at the street market after learning that he is the king.

While walking down the street, Hyun Chi Soo sees Lee Soon receiving some change back. Hyun Chi Soo tells Lee Soon, "I don't think it's a good idea to take those coins. It has been said that this store hands out counterfeit coins."

When Lee Soon asks for an explanation, Hyun Chi Soo says, "If you look carefully, the coins are rough and even the numbers are messed up." Lee Soon couldn't hide the amazement in his eyes.

However, when Hyun Chi Soo does not speak to Lee Soon formally, Lee Soon says, "You seem to be missing a few words. After all it is our first time meeting" then asks, "You could have just walked by since it is somebody else's business, why did you help?"

Hyun Chi Hoo replies, "Being fooled by somebody could become my business and if counterfeit money flows through the market, everything in the market will become ruined. Also, I'm planning on doing something" then leaves.

Lee Soon says, "I don't know what you are planning but why don't you let me in on it." When Lee Soon grabs on to him, Hyun Chi Soo quickly takes out his sword and holds it to Lee Soon's throat. Hyun Chi Soo says, "Are you a spy? Why are you bothering me?"

Right then, Jo Hyun Moo (Bae Jin Sup) appears and says, "Put down the sword.. if you don't want to be arrested for conspiracy. He is the king of the Chosun Dynasty." Hyun Chi Soo had previously requested Min Yoo Joong (Lee Hyo Jung) for a meeting with the king.

Hyun Soo tries to speak to Lee Soon but Sul Hyang (Lee Hyo Rim) stops him and says, "What can you do right now? Don't start anything unless you can get into his royal bedroom."

Why is Hyun Chi Soo so hostile towards Lee Soon, the King?

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