Former 'Towie' Star Cara Kilbey Announced Her Pregnancy After 22 Weeks


Former "Towie" star Cara Kilbey announced recently that she is pregnant with her boyfriend Daniel's child.

Kilbey revealed Closer Magazine recently that she is 22 weeks pregnant with Daniel's child and the baby is due early February 2016. The reality star had an unfortunate miscarriage last March when she was in her second trimester, according to Mail Online.

Kilbey noted in the interview that "I was so nervous up until the 20 week scan. I've been trying to relax and enjoy my pregnancy but there's always been a niggle of worry. Now I've got past that point and everything is perfectly healthy, I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I can start getting excited," reported Mirror.

The 28-year-old said that she came to know about this exciting news during their vacation in Thailand. Kilbey also noted that the news came as a surprise two days after she launched a lantern with her boyfriend in the memory of the lost baby.

Former Towie" Star Cara Kilbey Is Overjoyed Of Pregnancy

"Daniel and I knew we wanted to get pregnant again straight away so I was overjoyed when I found out I was expecting two months later. I can see how something that traumatic can break up a couple. But we saw a different more caring side to each other and it brought us so much closer."

The "Towie" star noted that she would never forget her first baby as she considers the unborn baby as a member of her family. But she can't wait anymore from having a baby. She is said to have exchanged the good news with her former "Towise" co-star Sam Faiers who is also carrying a baby.

Billi Mucklow, one of Kibley's best friends was also informed of the news well in advance. Kilbey and Mucklow conceived around the same time last year and Mucklow give birth to her child in June while the former lost the child. Kilbey who is excited of her pregnancy has decided to keep the gender of the baby a surprise to be unveiled after birth.

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