The release of the third season of the animated series "Gravity Falls," which airs on Disney XD channel, is alredy creating suspense, according to Franchise Herald. The creator of the series, Alex Hirsch has not explicitly stated about the continuation of the series. Recently, the 18th episode of second season aired on the television network.
In the end of the episode, a major character of the cartoon series, "Mabel Pines," was trapped by "Bill Cipher," the villain of the show inside a prison bubble. The storyline of the show is such that if Mabel is saved from the prison world then it would lead to tragedies for everyone in Gravity Falls, reported Youth Health
But recently, Alex confirmed of the news that one of the lead characters in the series will come to an end. The speculations that season two of the cartoon series will be considered as the last one, due to Hirsch's statement about the uncertain story line of the show, on how it would be taken forward, reported
Alex called the cartoon series as a classic story with multi-dimensions and many characters. "The stakes are going to be higher, the situations are going to be stranger, the magic is going to be bigger, and we will see every character again in some fashion having to deal with this completely unusual situation. You've never seen anything like this before," said Alex in a report by Franchise Herald.
According to USAToday,Jon Stewart, ex-Daily Show Host, was recently considered for the voice role of a "Kitty judge," in the series. His character is considered as an important one to free "Mabel" from prison. The third season's story will be full of excitement and mystery as Mabel's twin brother tries to rescue Mabel from the villain with the help of his pals "Wend" and "Soos."