"Fairy Tail," action anime series is rumored to focus its next chapter 466 on Natsu and Zeref and also about the personality of the assassin, according to Korea Portal.
The next chapter 466 of the series is titled as "Assassin." It is rumored that the title has been given such name as there might be some connection between Lucy and Layla's death on Eclipse.
Ecumenical News reported that there are speculations that Natsu might have killed Lucy's mother and is unable to remember anything if the incident. The upcoming chapter may also see the twist in the events when Brandish comes to know the truth about Natsu and plans to avenge him.
The last chapter of Fairy Tail was full of action sequences which showcased a combat between Zeref and Natsu. The episode also revealed that Natsu and Zeref were brothers and that Zeref knew since 400 years that Natsu is the one who would kill him. Zeref was unable to kill his rumored brother Natsu in chapter 465 with his power attack, as Happy disrupted the battle, reported China Topix.
Yibada reported that the truth that Natsu is the "Etherious Natsu Dragneel" was also revealed in chapter 465. There are speculations that Natsu will keep his demon identity secret from the Guild to avoid any conflicts among the members in the new chapter.
It is also highly rumored that the Guild base will be intruded by Marin in order to free Brandish and will then shrink the Guild along with all the members.
The next chapter will also witness Brandish's motives to murder Makarov and then steal the Fairy Heart. Also, Layla and Brandish's relationship may also take a new angle in the storyline, as she earlier aided the dragon executioners to travel through time, reported Realty Today.
The release of chapter 466 from the manga series, Fairy Tail has been delayed due to the holiday season.