"Honest Candidate" making high in ranking after it's released last February 12.
Remarkable ratings from a comedy political drama to delight the audience. The Korean Film Council stated as of February 16, 2020, the total gross $6,523,127 with total admission of 908,844. Tremendous screenings around South Korea reached 1,179 since it was launch last week. Actors being able to carry the comedy film was successful.
Honest Candidates is a comedy-drama movie that reflects a political candidate. In character, Ra Mi Ran been in term for the 3rd time as a congresswoman named Joo Sang-sook who swayed the public by saying lies from one to the other. She was very famous throughout the campaign. As the voters mesmerized by her habitual lies. Yet before the election, Joo Sang-sook 360 degrees became true to her words. The night of wishing things may work out and her mother changed everything.
A day before the election her dealings and commitments changed. Lying was a thing she never does. Every time she opens her mouth - all she talks about was the truth of what they do and caused real trouble with her campaign group. Actress Ra Mi Ran was ecstatic with the movie. During a press conference, she mentioned to run in public service should the movie ticket reached 10 million ticket sales. The movie came ahead next to "Little Women" who stayed second in the day with 10,747 people watching and accumulating 46,757 people.
"Parasite" hand come back eight months after it was open to the public. Bong Joon-Ho's "Parasite" made a remarkable comeback. It was surprising as well with Ha Jung-woo and Kim Nam-Gil starred "The Closet" came in strong with 71,659 moviegoers and hit an audience of 114,935. With "Parasites" Bong Joon-ho with its takeaways during the 92nd Academy Awards bringing home four major crowns. The movie remains at its fourth place with 32,389 spectators with a total watched of 10,228,437 during the day. There have been so many movies that are a must-watch in Theatres right now.
"Honest Candidate" depicts almost too real political circumstances in any country. The same storyline was a remake from a Brazilian movie that was released in 2014 with a leading actor. The film in time to refresh and make the audience feel happy after watching. Considering the tension that encounters any country due to the Coronavirus outbreak. Such an epidemic still is in the eye of health watcher but this won't stop people from coming to the theatre.
This will set a record to note down this week as movies are line up for everyone to watch. Let's check whose movie will attract the audience and mark the ratings once again. " Is it a sin to be honest" and have fun at the same time or lies is a thing of the past. Trust, loyal service and being true is never an easy way to combine yet its a challenge. Not only to the higher ranks but in dealing with our daily lives.