Sun Woo and Joon Young come back to Gosan after leaving the city for a few months. After knowing Tae Oh's infidelity, Da Kyung left him with nothing and studied abroad with the help of her father.
A flashback of happy memories between Sun Woo, Tae Oh, and Joon Young showed up in the finale episode, to look back at how happy they were, and the loneliness they experience right now is immense.
Joon Young tried to mingle with his good friend Yoon Noh and chose to attend to his previous school. Sun Woo cleaned and shopped around to prepare again as they are back in Gosan.
Sun Woo is protective of Joon Young and the people he communicates with over the phone. She learned that Tae Oh is still in Gosan and looks haggard the whole time.
Meanwhile, Ye Rim and Je Hyuk are happy to announce as they get back together. They celebrated it with a sumptuous dinner with their friends, including Sun Woo and Joon Young, the new associate director Myung Sook, and Dr. Kim.
Inside the restaurant, Sun Woo saw someone who looks like Tae Oh, though it disappeared as she turned around and looked for the familiar face. The next day, Sun Woo received a mail of the torn pictures she threw away the other day. The picture was arranged back bits by bits with tape.
Tae Oh now lives in a small apartment and drinks the whole time with no work and no friends. He shies away in meeting other people, and depression swallowed him up. Sun Woo visited Myung Sook, and she was informed that Tae Oh still walks around the place.
Sun Woo is quite nervous about the things Tae Oh may do to get Joon Young. As she returns home, Joon Young is missing, and a note is left by Tae Oh. Sun Woo contacted Tae Oh, befriended him to know their whereabouts.
Tae Oh brought Joon Young near the lake as he wanted to spend time with him. Sun Woo found them and asked Tae Oh to come along and have a good meal. He tried his best to let Joon Young feel his misery and regrets, but it never made any change to his son.
In the restaurant, Tae Oh pleaded for them to start over again as a family, but Joon Young disliked spending time with his father and talking about reuniting again. Hatred runs deep within Joon Young's heart.
Tae Oh cried when Sun Woo asked how he was doing. He begged them to be a family again, but Sun Woo and Joon Young decided not to listen to his words.
As they parted ways from the restaurant, Tae Oh bade farewell to Joon Young and Sun Woo. He swore not to bother them again. As Sun Woo and Joon Young headed to their car, Tae Oh left at the other street and attempted to kill himself by getting struck by a truck.
Sun Woo quickly ran towards the truck to check what happened to Tae Oh. The truck did not hit him, and Tae Oh stood there shaking. She grabbed him and brought him to a safe place. Tae Oh knelt, crying for what he did. Joon Young saw his mother comforting Tae Oh, and it made him mad, so he ran away.
A year after the incident, Sun Woo continued to work back in the hospital. Tae Oh started his career by sending proposals to other companies. There had been no word from Joon Young as he had been reported as a missing runaway child since the incident.
Meanwhile, Da Kyung continued her studies abroad and met men in good standing.
Sun Woo still waited for her son and remained hopeful that he will be found someday. She has put down all her efforts and let Joon Young find his way to have to discover peace and forgiveness.
One fine morning, as Sun Woo was taking her breakfast, the front door opened. She looked up and saw Joon Young entering their house. Tears fell from her eyes, and she walked towards Joon Young and embraced him.