Co-founder of Twitter, Biz Stone has unveiled a new search engine, in line with social media search on the Net.
The search engine labelled 'Jelly' will have to compete withh Google, Yahoo, Bing, and a host of others like Lycos and to get any kind of credibility. However, you have to give credit where credit is due. Twitter is the main source of news updates and happenings around the world.
When twitter tweets you listen, as the old adage goes.
Analysts say that Jelly might be a little fluffy when it comes to delivering google like searches with predictive search capacity. Basically, search engine users are maxed out with a plethora of search engines and ranking software like Alexa, and SEO toolbar. So now the question is if anyone will revert to Jelly after using the ubiquitous google search. Given that, how many users would use Jelly because it is made by Twitter's Biz Stone.
To get the inside scoop, Jelly is a question and answer type search for Android phones and iPhones. It's interesting how Jelly or rather Stone connects back to the social media theme with the search going back to friends or friends of friends on Twitter and Facebook. The good part is that Jelly uses photographs to begin its search and ask questions on Twitter.
Great way to generate more traffic to Twitter as well. Stone was quoted by The Huffington Post as saying, "Because of Twitter I've gained notoriety, so that's given it a boost," adding, "It's a blessing and a curse, because when we've been working on it we couldn't do it without anyone watching."
The product is represented by a jellyfish which has loosely connected networks. Stone also believes being connected with others is what humanity is all about, even if Jelly doesn't use algorithms like Google. Jelly differs from Quora because it is catered toward direct answers instead of conversational chat search.