Tomorrowland Movie Plot: George Clooney Plays A Disillusioned Inventor, Actor Teases ‘I Don’t Want To Sort Of Ruin It By Telling You That Everyone Dies In The End’

George Clooney
The Incredibles 2
Disney Movie

One of the most-anticipated Disney movies in 2015 is Tomorrowland and people are excited to find out more about the movie plot. The film producers asked Brad Bird to direct the sci-fi flick since they have already worked with him in the past when he did The Incredibles. In fact, Disney recently announced that a sequel to the popular animated film about the superhero family is currently on the works.

Tomorrowland's movie plot centers on the former boy-genius inventor played by George Clooney. The inventor had a chance to revitalize his dreams of the past when an optimistic teen played by Britt Robertson asked his help to discover the truth about Tomorrowland. A source told Screen Rant that Clooney's character may have been to that wondrous place when he was younger because he knows the a lot about it.

During a Q. & A. session via Reddit, George Clooney talked about Tomorrowland. He said, "I'm on set and literally have a harness on right now. I was late because right before I was hanging from about 30 feet over four different blue screens. So as we're talking now there are all these wires and contraptions hanging off of me."

The Gravity star also praised the film and their director. Clooney said, "It's really, really, really good and Brad's a wonderful director, and a wonderful guy with a wild imagination. And if I don't screw it up it'll be a terrific film. Everybody's really good in it."

George Clooney also teased the readers with a Tomorrowland movie plot spoiler. The 52-year old actor said, "Anyway, you always have to be careful what you say about these films so I don't want to sort of ruin it by telling you that everyone dies in the end. Oops, I've said too much."

If ever that happens, then it will surely be a bummer. Don't worry because we will keep you updated for more Tomorrowland movie plot spoilers. Hopefully, it won't be as awful as what Clooney had said.

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