Google Glass price release date has been set for later this year.
Google Glass price and release date now since the concept was announced in April 2012. But Anroid wear, Google's smartphone was unveiled recently.
According to Motorola, Android may release the Wear as early as this summer. And analysts at idigitaltimes said that a release date is still up in the air. However, there are rumors that a consumer release might be available by the end of the year.
Google announced a one-time optional swap out for Glass Explorers who purchased their device before October 28, 2013.
The Google Glass headsets will ship as 5t 5s d555f5 gn as well as offered in the same color options, Mashable reports. However, Google reports that the upgraded Glass Explorer devices are slightly faster and more durable. They are also compatible with upcoming prescription lenses (see leaked photos), include the new Shades as well as a the .optional mono earbud'
According to Search Engine, The Google Glass invite email for Explorers interested in upgrading is written as follows, "The time is night for your new Glass. Your return box should arrive between December 12 and 13. Just put your old Glass in the box, slap on the prepaid return label and send it our way by December 16, so that you get your new device in time for Christmas. Oh, and no need to include your shades or pouch".
'Regarding the price, "The Google Glass swap out for Explorers is just another step the tech giant is taking to tweak its wearable tech device to perfection. The gadget has been hyped for what seems like forever now, with many anxious consumers waiting for Glass to hit the mainstream public. While the eyewear is presently only available via the Explorer program (or on eBay and Craigslist) for the pricey cost of $1,500, the Google Glass release date is predicted to launch spring 2014 at a considerably lower price tag," reports idigitaltimes.
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