Flappy Bird Online: 1Yr Anniversary, Could Drop To No.2 If 2048 Tops List Of Downloaded Games


Flappy Bird online was created a year ago, and the mania is still going. Happy Anniversary Flappy Bird came into fruiting on May 24, 2013 and we all know that it was created by a humble Vietnamese dude, Dong Nguyen. By January , 2014 Flappy Bird was the most downloaded game on the iOS App Store. And now gamers are pondering a whole year's memories with Flappy Bird. Well, maybe not an entire year since Dong did take it down for a month or so. But he's promised to bring it back in a multiplayer format.

The funny thing about what makes this game so difficult is its simplicity. All you need to do is go through the green pipes flapping the birds wings. But it sounds a lot easier than it actually is. In fact, try going through a couple of times and most people say that end up with about 20 points.

So now there are hacks and cheats galore that can really improve your score. Some refurbishing of the game even let you add your score to future games. Just to see your score improve.

Some say Flappy Bird is "easy to learn but hard to master," while others say that Flappy Bird is impossible. In fact, one of the reasons why Dong Nguyen pulled the game from online play was because he felt the game was addictive and keeping people from doing their everyday chores and things to do.

In a very honest post, Dong said, 'I'm sorry. I cannot take it anymore.'

When you start playing, you would probably sense how mundanely boring the game is and as you pick up speed you might feel addicted to score more. And that's the cycle that feeds into each other. According to Huffington Post, Flappy Bird is "insanely irritating, difficult and frustrating game which combines a super-steep difficulty curve with bad, boring graphics and jerky movement."

Overall, Flappy Bird was described to be as competitive as Candy Crush Saga, one of the favorite games of 2014. It's also possible the new game 2048 could take over as the most popular game, if Dong doesn't upload Flappy Bird pretty soon.

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