The upcoming movie 'My Palpitating Life' actress Song Hye Kyo posed for the poster of the movie in Paris, France. Recently, the fashion photo shoots of the actors from the upcoming movie 'My Palpitating Life' actress Song Hye Kyo and actor Kang Dong Won were released. The fashion magazine Vogue Korea on its official Facebook page released a few pictures of actress Song Hye Kyo and actor Kang Dong Won in Paris, France. In the pictures, actress Song Hye Kyo and actor Kang Dong Won posed in different parts of Paris, France, and posed as a couple. Actress Song Hye Kyo wore a coat and a dress underneath. Actress Song Hye Kyo and actor Kang Dong Won's fashion pictures will be available for view on the September issue of the fashion magazine Vogue Korea."My Palpitating Life" is based on a novel of the same name, written by Kim Ae Ran, which sold 1.4 million copies in the first three months of its publication. The movie "My Palpitating Life" will premiere on September 3, 2014.
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