Dragon Age Inquisition Companions: See Them In Action In This Newly Released Gameplay Trailer! [VIDEO]

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Dragon Age: Inquisition

Electronic Arts and Bioware have released three new screenshots for their upcoming RPG, Dragon Age: Inquisition. The first two screenshots show some in-game action, while the third one is basically an announcement for a new gameplay video that will be released this week (UPDATE: trailer is available and can be viewed below). The fourth and fifth shots are from the freshly announced MP mode of the game.

Watch the gameplay trailer below:

In other news, the hero's companions have already been revealed. See them below:


-You can skip recruiting most of your companions and you can kick them off the inquisition at almost any time.
-Vivienne: "She's ambitious, in a nutshell. She is probably the one that stood to lose the most from the chaos that's been sweeping. The mage circle is falling apart."
-Solas: "Solas is knowledgeable, logical, He refuses to believe in bad and good... which makes him absolutely fascinating as a character."
-Dorian: "Dorian, he's fun. A lot of fun. He's gregarious, outgoing, likeable and he's from the nation that everyone thinks are bad guys."
-Sera: "She's kinda nuts and is probably best defined by her contempt for all the bigwigs... she wants someone to think about the people being attacked."
-Varric: "Varric is pretty much Varric. He's dealing with the fact that he's now alongside the lady that stabbed a book on his groin,"
-Cole: "Cole... Cole is different. He sees everything differently. He's not like us" AKA the Ghost of the White Spire.
-Cassandra: "Brash, impulsive, anger management issues... but she's incredibly dedicated and does whatever it takes to set the world right."
-Iron Bull: "Iron Bull is humorous, dismissive, a natural charismatic leader, but he's struggling with being a fish out of water."
-Blackwall: "He's dedicated, almost a mentor figure, but he's also a man alone, he's been on the road a very long time and that wears someone down."

Dragon Age: Inquisition is currently planned for a November 20th release.

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